Pleco for Android 3.2.7 Beta 4


Setting -> Display -> font size has effect on clip reader font size, but doesn't effect file reader font size.


Staff member
Sorry, Settings / Display / Font Size? Are you referring to that setting in flashcards? That shouldn't be affecting the clipboard reader either, actually.


Staff member
So you change the value in Settings / Fonts / Reader Font Size and the clipboard reader font size changes but the text file reader size doesn't? What about if you reopen Pleco?


Build Feb. 7
Export is OK, import of flashcards in user dictionary seems to be OK (3000 cards so far).

Input for score filter figures is OK too!


Not the pleco setting, android OS's global font size setting (screenshot attached).


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Staff member
@Taichi - Ah, didn't even know that one existed actually; seems like it's easy enough for us to read from the system settings, so we certainly could apply it in other places, though in general I'd rather find a way to override it (as we do with the equivalent setting on iOS).


Not a bug report but just wondering how hard it would be it implement a change in the pronunciation part of a multiple choice test. Is there a way we could have all four options be the same pinyin with only the tone marks varying?
PS could you make a sticky thread for feature requests / suggestion box?


A feature request: I only now found out that tagging of flashcards can be very helpful. Is it possible to show the tags in the dictionary and in the WORDS list, close to the + symbol?


Staff member
@ckatt - that's been a request for a while, it's had a tough time climbing up the list because so few people use multi-choice (though I suppose this might get more of them to do so). In general in this situation I'd recommend a tone practice test instead, minimal extra input required relative to multi-choice but nonetheless a lot more challenging (which is exactly what you want with tones).

We used to have a sticky feature request thread but it got so long that it became effectively useless - nobody could get through the whole thing to find out if their feature had already been requested. Haven't quite decided what to replace it with.

@HW60 - should be coming in a few releases, though you can get them right now in the duplicate card box at least.


We used to have a sticky feature request thread but it got so long that it became effectively useless - nobody could get through the whole thing to find out if their feature had already been requested. Haven't quite decided what to replace it with.

Perhaps a sub-forum with a separate thread for each feature request, or feature request group (e.g. "Flashcard Requests" would be in one thread with a summary in the first post of what has been requested/accepted)?


duplicate card box on seach definition screen doesn't show tags.


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@mikelove I do use the tone practice as well but I like how the MC test can change up what kind of questions I get. But as it is the pin yin part is just far too easy. Acctualy it would be good if all the mc test options could be more difficult. Rather than choosing options from within the same category it would be better if it could choose several similar words. For instance if it was set to show definition and ask for characters the definition might be
supply, provided
And the choices could be
Basically the incorrect options are based on similar pin yin with different tones. Or maybe the option could be words that contain one character from the correct answer.
I'm sure this is not that easy to do but would make the test far more challenging.
Any way thanks for giving your attention to all these requests I'm sure you are busy enough as it is.


Staff member
@alex_hk90 - makes sense, though I have to dig into XenForo's options for managing this sort of thing a bit more.

@Taichi - that's intentional since the information is right there at the top right corner of the screen - appears in most other places, though, including the popup reader on the definition screen.

@ckatt - that'll be solved once we start letting you mix test types :) But yes, harder multi-choice character tests as you describe would make sense too.


I see. Is there a way to see the whole tags for a word with more than 3 tags? Another small problem is that I can't judge if there's three tags, or more than three tags by appearances.


Staff member
@Taichi - No - good point, hadn't occurred to me that that would be an alternate use case for the + button (we were just trying to avoid confusion). For now all I can suggest is you make the header bigger by either enlarging the Chinese characters or enabling more fields ("Show Zhuyin too" e.g.). We just uploaded 3.2.8 but we'll see about adding the tags back in 3.2.9.