Phrase dictionary


Do any of the dictionaries available for Pleco recognize phrases of any sort? i.e. wo qingke, haikeyi, wo buqingchu....


Staff member
app said:
Do any of the dictionaries available for Pleco recognize phrases of any sort? i.e. wo qingke, haikeyi, wo buqingchu....

There are bits and pieces of them in a few, but they're not really a focus in any of them... a lot of lexicographers seem to take a wary view of getting into the phrase business. Also, given the ease of deciphering (most) Chinese grammar, a lot of these aren't that difficult to sort out from their constituent words - wo + qingke, wo + bu + qingchu, etc.

A phrase dictionary might be an interesting idea for a future release, though to be honest we've got a few other custom content projects that are higher priorities at the moment (menu reader, etymology dictionary, etc).