Organizing by tone

Is there a list of words out there organized by tone? I don't mean organized by the tone of the individual character (5 lists) but organized by the tone of both characters.
So there would be 25 lists of words (excluding words that are more or less than 2 characters long
(1st character's tone - 2nd character's tone)
1st tone- 1st tone
1st tone- 2nd tone
1st tone- 3rd tone
1st tone- 4th tone
1st tone- 5th tone
2nd tone- 1st tone

I think this would help me memorize the tones.

If there is no list like this, does someone know how this could be done on excel?
Thank you


Is there a list of words out there organized by tone? I don't mean organized by the tone of the individual character (5 lists) but organized by the tone of both characters.
So there would be 25 lists of words (excluding words that are more or less than 2 characters long
(1st character's tone - 2nd character's tone)
1st tone- 1st tone
1st tone- 2nd tone
1st tone- 3rd tone
1st tone- 4th tone
1st tone- 5th tone
2nd tone- 1st tone

I think this would help me memorize the tones.

If there is no list like this, does someone know how this could be done on excel?
Thank you

There probably are lists like this, and if you have the Pinyin in a certain format (e.g. "pin1 yin1") it should be possible to do this with a few Excel formulas or VBA Macros at worst - the specifics would depend on the format of the Pinyin.

Dustin WANG

Is there a list of words out there organized by tone? I don't mean organized by the tone of the individual character (5 lists) but organized by the tone of both characters.
So there would be 25 lists of words (excluding words that are more or less than 2 characters long
(1st character's tone - 2nd character's tone)
1st tone- 1st tone
1st tone- 2nd tone
1st tone- 3rd tone
1st tone- 4th tone
1st tone- 5th tone
2nd tone- 1st tone

I think this would help me memorize the tones.

If there is no list like this, does someone know how this could be done on excel?
Thank you

Practically, there should be 19 lists instead of 25. No neutral tone comes as the first syllable, plus 3+3 combi is equal to 2+3. What level do you need? Simplified or traditional?
I'm thinking of doing the new HSK 1 through 4 for now in simplified (because I haven't learnt any farther than that...)
But if there's some way to make a formula, that would be very helpful.

It comes in excel, formatted like this:
东西 dong1xi5 thing; objects; stuff


I'm thinking of doing the new HSK 1 through 4 for now in simplified (because I haven't learnt any farther than that...)
But if there's some way to make a formula, that would be very helpful.

It comes in excel, formatted like this:
东西 dong1xi5 thing; objects; stuff
In that case you should be able to automate it doing something like:
- RegEx replace to get from "dong1xi5" to "dong1 xi5";
- Text-to-columns to have one column with "dong1" and another with "xi5";
- RIGHT() formula to get to one column with "1" and another with "5";
- CONCATENATE() formula to get one column with "15".
Hi, everyone:

The attached file contains almost 7000 bisyllabic words arranged by tones. There are no definitions and no pinyin, but Pleco supplies them when importing.

[A text flashcard import file consists of a list of vocabulary words, one per line, interspersed with the names of the flashcard categories those words belong to. Each individual line is formatted like this:

characters{tab}Pinyin pronunciation{tab]definition

If you supply a definition in the import file, that will always be used as the card’s definition; if you don’t supply one, Pleco will attempt to find one in its built-in dictionaries. Pleco can also fill in the Pinyin pronunciation if you skip that. Make sure not to use more than one tab in each of those {tab} spaces, otherwise the importer might get confused about whether it’s reading Pinyin or the definition for a word.]


  • Tones (long).txt
    65.6 KB · Views: 834
  • Tonal Patterns (bisyllabic).txt
    856 bytes · Views: 659
Last edited:
Is there a list of words out there organized by tone? I don't mean organized by the tone of the individual character (5 lists) but organized by the tone of both characters.
So there would be 25 lists of words (excluding words that are more or less than 2 characters long
(1st character's tone - 2nd character's tone)
1st tone- 1st tone
1st tone- 2nd tone
1st tone- 3rd tone
1st tone- 4th tone
1st tone- 5th tone
2nd tone- 1st tone

And when you are through with listening and practicing the 19 lists, I suggest doing the same with just four lists:

1st tone- 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th
2nd tone- 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th
3rd tone- 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th
4th tone- 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th