Official iPad Thread


Staff member
character said:
mikelove wrote:
For 2.2, mostly UI stuff - dual-pane reader[...]
Looks like I'll be sending you more money soon.

Actually, having played around with this some more, I think that while we will still include the dual-pane (= permanent definition embedded on the bottom of the screen) mode as an option, since a lot of people have asked for it (and been asking for it since the original beta-test), we won't be making it the default even on iPad.

The reason for that is that your eye's focal distance tends to be much shorter with an iPad's screen than on a PC's, and consequently it feels like a significant strain to have to move all the way down at the bottom of the screen from the text you're looking at to get its definition; your eyes are constantly flipping back and forth between the top / middle of the screen and the bottom. So I think we may have gotten things right initially with the bubble interface; while it does get in the way of reading the surrounding sentence context, in exchange for that you get a definition located right below the word you're looking up.


By dual pane I thought you meant two files. Adding that would be a big win.

To display the definition, you could split the document and display the definition in the middle in a 2-3 line scrollview.


Staff member
character said:
By dual pane I thought you meant two files. Adding that would be a big win.

To display the definition, you could split the document and display the definition in the middle in a 2-3 line scrollview.

Two files? Hadn't thought of that one - what would be the practical use of that? Some sort of file comparison system? Displaying the definition in the middle seems like it might end up causing more confusion than it causes - people would think there were two documents when there actually weren't.


Just a random guess, maybe he wants to operate a translation setup--Chinese document on one pane, the English or other language on the other pane.


mikelove said:
Two files? Hadn't thought of that one - what would be the practical use of that?
I described it here: viewtopic.php?p=16218#p16218

Displaying the definition in the middle seems like it might end up causing more confusion than it causes - people would think there were two documents when there actually weren't.
Just put a border around the definition and show it with an optional animation.

I don't really agree with your argument against having a fixed place for the definition -- the user can always scroll the document so the characters they want to look up are close to the defintion area. You could also offer users the option of having the definition area on top, or bottom, or at the side.


Staff member
character said:
mikelove wrote:
Two files? Hadn't thought of that one - what would be the practical use of that?
I described it here: viewtopic.php?p=16218#p16218

Oh, right, translation - had that one written down but I'd forgotten about it. I think before we can do that we really need a more robust text editor function - what we have now is really very rough and not good at all for large documents, so it really needs some under-the-hood improvements before we can have people putting hours of work into creating / modifying documents with it. We've got a long list of things like that to work on - just finally got iPhone-style text selection working, for example - but we can't spend too much time on them in any given release since we need to concentrate most of our attention on more obvious / user-facing / UI-related improvements.

character said:
I don't really agree with your argument against having a fixed place for the definition -- the user can always scroll the document so the characters they want to look up are close to the defintion area. You could also offer users the option of having the definition area on top, or bottom, or at the side.

Which is why we're planning to offer it as an option, but personally I still find it rather awkward - you end up spending a lot more time scrolling / tweaking your scroll position a bit / etc, and you're potentially just as likely to find that the context for what you're reading is covered up. And if we add the option for "pages" instead of continuous scrolling (something a lot of people have asked for) then the approach of moving characters to the bottom wouldn't really work.


Just got an Apple wireless keyboard for the iPad. The HWR input, which by default is a bit too large on iPad, suddenly shrinks to an unusable miniature when the keyboard is turned on. Looks like a bug coming from Apple's automatic change of behavior when the keyboard engages (i.e. the onscreen keyboard no longer pops up).


Staff member
cjgait said:
Just got an Apple wireless keyboard for the iPad. The HWR input, which by default is a bit too large on iPad, suddenly shrinks to an unusable miniature when the keyboard is turned on. Looks like a bug coming from Apple's automatic change of behavior when the keyboard engages (i.e. the onscreen keyboard no longer pops up).

Is it running OS 3.2.1 or 3.2.2 (updated from 3.2)? There's a bug in our software related to this that should be fixed in the 2.2 update - we'll do some extra tests with an external keyboard to make sure. Thanks!


mikelove said:
cjgait said:
Just got an Apple wireless keyboard for the iPad. The HWR input, which by default is a bit too large on iPad, suddenly shrinks to an unusable miniature when the keyboard is turned on. Looks like a bug coming from Apple's automatic change of behavior when the keyboard engages (i.e. the onscreen keyboard no longer pops up).

Is it running OS 3.2.1 or 3.2.2 (updated from 3.2)? There's a bug in our software related to this that should be fixed in the 2.2 update - we'll do some extra tests with an external keyboard to make sure. Thanks!

It's 3.2.1. I'll try to figure out doing the upgrade (if it's a solid one. Apple has been known to put out some colorful updates).


Staff member
cjgait said:
It's 3.2.1. I'll try to figure out doing the upgrade (if it's a solid one. Apple has been known to put out some colorful updates).

No, the bug is actually in upgrading from 3.2.0 to a later 3.2.x release - you'd have to downgrade, which Apple doesn't really allow. But it should be fixed soon.


Some comments on iPad in China.

I find it interesting that I can get phone cards with numbers (not just top-up) without anything (even a passport). Upon my return to Dalian with my iPad, I came across a 3G China Unicom card for 100 RMB for like 400MB (I think that was for a month). I also believe there are Cheaper ones out there. The service works just fine with the iPad.

- I bought my 3G card on 8/8 (today is 11 days later). I have used 111 MB received and 18.1 MB sent so far.
- I have run several live in-vehicle navigation sessions of about 30 minutes each.
- Looking up movie reviews at the local DVD shop.
- Web site access when convenient. On WiFi when I can (which is often ... @ Starbucks, home). But no heroic efforts to find WiFi. In fact, at Starbucks I would get on 3G because their WiFi is so bad.
- Maybe the most ANNOYING part - NO VPN. On WiFi services and even China Mobile Edge - no problem, but for some reason Unicom apparently does not allow it.

I imagine that if someone was "streaming" audio and video all the time on 3G, this would eat up bandwidth and warrant another plan. But the good news (I guess...) is that the 3G throughput is lousy enough to not support this this anyway. So I tend to think that a 2G plan for an iPad, at least now, is not worth it. However, I do believe I can find cheaper than the 100RMB/400MB plan.


With regard setting the ability to put an icon on the springboard...

1) is there anyway to, form the Pleco web browser save a url to the springboard as an icon?
2) and on a related note, is there anyway to a have it so that from safari, if you save a plecoforum page to the springboard, it will place a decent looking Pleco icon on the springboard? (ah..not a big priority but thought I would throw it out there...)


Staff member
radioman said:
1) is there anyway to, form the Pleco web browser save a url to the springboard as an icon?

Unfortunately no, that function seems to be limited to Safari only.

radioman said:
2) and on a related note, is there anyway to a have it so that from safari, if you save a plecoforum page to the springboard, it will place a decent looking Pleco icon on the springboard? (ah..not a big priority but thought I would throw it out there...)

Certainly could, yes - I'd be more inclined to do it once we adopt a more mobile-friendly forum skin. (still in the works, just taking a backseat to some other things)


I found the problem with VPN in China Unicom - it cannot be PPTP, the VPN needs to be configured as L2TP. Now works great on China Unicom.

radioman said:
- Maybe the most ANNOYING part - NO VPN. On WiFi services and even China Mobile Edge - no problem, but for some reason Unicom apparently does not allow it.


I don't know if there's a thread about this already or if I'm the only one with the problem, but my pleco crashes every time when I do a flashcard test over 50 cards. As I select 75 or more cards it always closes abruptly after about 60 cards and doesn't save the session...


Staff member
I don't know if there's a thread about this already or if I'm the only one with the problem, but my pleco crashes every time when I do a flashcard test over 50 cards. As I select 75 or more cards it always closes abruptly after about 60 cards and doesn't save the session...

Is this happening on iPad? And are you running the latest version (2.1.2) of Pleco? If that's the case, could you send me ( your crash logs? Here's how to obtain them:

If you encounter a crash with Pleco on iPhone, you can send us a log file to help us diagnose the problem. Sync your iPhone with your computer, then go into:

Mac OS X : /Users/(your username)/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/(your device name)
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\(your username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\Logs\CrashReporter\MobileDevice\(your device name)
Windows Vista / 7: C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Logs\CrashReporter\MobileDevice\(your device name)

and locate the appropriate log file or files (should have names starting with "Pleco" and the file extension .crash). Send that file to and we'll get to work on it.

Also, I should note that on Windows that "Application Data" folder may be hidden - choose "Folder Options" from the "Tools" menu, go to the "View" tab and check the radio button to "Show hidden files and folders" to make hidden folders visible.

Just a quick correction, on OSX (Leopard) the crash logs are under ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice rather than /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice


Quick comment on iPad interface after working with it for an extended length of time.

Referencing the attached, if running in landscape mode (and probably portrait, it would be great to be able to swipe in from right to left (see picture). to bring the writing screen in and out. This would alleviate the need to ever have to run to the top of the screen with your fingers to input text. In that way you could toggle the various input methods. by just swiping them through. One problem I see that is that the writing area is starts right at the edge. But I am thinking if there was some small margin area applied to sense the swipe right-to-left, then maybe moving the input methods in this way would seem pretty natural.


  • pleco ipad .png
    pleco ipad .png
    125.7 KB · Views: 1,370


Staff member
Might make sense, but to be honest on the iPad I'm not quite sure why you ever even need to exit the input area unless you're switching to another tab like the document reader - most dictionary entries should fit on the screen just fine even with the keyboard visible, and I'd say in general that a better goal for us would be to make the entire UI (even tab-switching) keyboard-friendly.

I do agree that we need to do a better job in general about reducing finger travel, though Apple commits many of the same sins in their own iPad apps. I'm very much looking forward to seeing the Android / Windows 7 tablet implementations; while I'm sure there'll be a lot of the same, umm, "borrowing" from Apple that we've seen on other smartphone OSes, I'm hoping there'll be some interesting new design ideas too; there's a lot of room for improvement in tablet UI in general.


mikelove said:
- most dictionary entries should fit on the screen just fine even with the keyboard visible, and I'd say in general that a better goal for us would be to make the entire UI (even tab-switching) keyboard-friendly.

Unfortunately other parts of the interface go away, for example the history button. I think getting every button to be on screen at all times would be a big win.