my iPod touch 4 OCR setup



details in the attached image.

Got the lens on ebay (not hard to find, ipod touch 4 macro lens should do it...) from Hong Kong, 15$/11,5€ , took just a few days to arrive...

All the screenshots are taken with the lens (the macor part, there is also a wide angle part of the lens). The one left-second row is probably normal reading size, the other ones are smaller. The scale in the pictures is 1mm. The middle one (ma3) is really small, and Pleco didn't want to recognize the tu2 on the left. The other characters of this size were ok though, if I managed to keep my hand steady.


  • OCRPlecoAll.jpg
    147.5 KB · Views: 1,050


That is really interesting. Since Pleco mentions that the I touch 4 will not support autofocus:

1) Can you confirm that the OCR works pretty well on the Itouch 4 after using it for while?
2) Does it have a manual focus?

I didnt know you could add the macro lens to the itouch 4 so thanks for this