Mixing Test Type in Flashcard Profiles


Is it currently possible to choose a mix of test types within a single flashcard profile? If not, is it possible to combine profiles together to get the same effect? I love the variety in Pleco test types, and think that mixing them together to learn a specific vocab set would be beneficial to me. The end result would look something like tests in memrise, where you might get a fill in the blank, followed by a multiple choice, followed by tone test, etc...


Staff member
soltrain said:
Is it currently possible to choose a mix of test types within a single flashcard profile? If not, is it possible to combine profiles together to get the same effect? I love the variety in Pleco test types, and think that mixing them together to learn a specific vocab set would be beneficial to me. The end result would look something like tests in memrise, where you might get a fill in the blank, followed by a multiple choice, followed by tone test, etc...

Not possible at the moment, but if two profiles share the same "scorefile," you can alternate between them very easily. Better still if you use "card filters" - use one test type for cards in one particular range and another test type for another.