Mini Radio Plays / 迷你廣播劇



Attached to this post are flashcards for "Mini Radio Plays" /迷你廣播劇. Book details:

Title: Mini Radio Plays / 迷你廣播劇
ISBN: 978-957-09-1740-6
Publisher: Cheng Cheng / 正中書局

  • This book has been revised since the creation of the attached flashcard list. I don't believe that significant changes were made to the dialogues or vocabulary in the revised edition.
  • A small number of vocabulary terms (mostly in Chapter 10) - do not have pinyin pronunciations. This is deliberate, as the terms are either English acronyms (e.g., OBS) or a mix of Chinese and English (e.g., 打K).
  • If you are using the revised edition, please post an updated version of the flashcard list that reflects changes in the dialogues or vocabulary terms found in the revised edition (if any).


  • Mini Radio Plays.txt
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