Medical Dictionary

I need a dictionary with basic medical words. Not fancy words, but basic medical words. I have downloaded the complete edition. Does this have medical words? Or do I need to get special flashcards? Or is this a future project?


I have found a lot of medical terms in the free Adso dictionary you can download from Pleco's home page. (Click on Downloads and then on Add-Ons. Scroll down to find the free dictionaries.)


Thank you.

I have downloaded and installed the dictionary. Unfortunately, I want the opposite. English to Chinese. I want to know the Chinese words of English medical terms.


Aha. Well, I haven't dug too deeply into them, but the LDC and NWP english to Chinese dictionaries have had the few medical words I've asked of it. LDC provides no pinyin anfd no help for Chinese students. NWP provides a bit of exposition. Look for them in the same place.
