Legacy Flashcard: Limit new cards not working


The limit new cards seems to be not working when using a legacy flashcard profile. It always gives me 25 new cards no matter how many unlearnd cards I already have in the set. So everyday it just adds 25 cards. I also don’t know where this amount of 25 cards comes from. Because any change to the limit new cards setting has no effect on this. It always stays at 25.


I realized that I didn’t press Save, so that’s why the number of cards didn’t change. However, unlearned cards are still not working as expected.


I feel like this is still not working correctly. I still get new cards even though I already have more than 25 unlearned cards in my stack.


Staff member
We actually thought this one was fixed - are you sure those unlearned cards didn't end up with scores high enough to exit unlearned? Could you email us a backup of your flashcard database?


I’m not really sure to be honest. I wasn’t able to find a statistic that is actually helpful to determine that.
I will email you the backup right away.


Is it possible that repeating at the and of the test is moving the cars to learned. Because I just exited the test without repeating at the end and now it says there are 0 unlearned cards due.


I think this is it. When repeating the card at the end it changes the score. I had had a card with a 0-2 record and a score of 100. I answered it incorrectly again, and repeated it after the test. Now i have a record of 0-3 but the score is 400. Seems odd to me or is this working as expected? I’m pretty sure this did not happen in the legacy version.
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Is there an easy way to reset the score of all cards that have a score below a certain threshold? I have way to many cards that I don’t know in my set now due to this bug.


Staff member
Probably the best thing for that would just be to restore your legacy database again.

If you don't want to do that, you could do a batch command to reset their scores, but at the moment this would be pretty complicated - you'd want to create a new saved search, with a custom filter looking for cards with an interval less than (whatever your threshold is / 100) days, and then do a batch command on those results (edit / batch) to 'delete score' (and make sure to select the relevant score file in that screen as your 'test profile.')