Increase flash card frequency for cards in multiple categories


I just got the flash card add-on today and tbh im quite confused by all the settings. What I want to do is make it so my cards in multiple categories will be more likely to show up in flash cards. Most of my cards are saved from shows I’ve watched so if I saved a word in multiple of those categories (i.e. it appears in many shows) I want to learn those words first since they would be more common/important rather than very specific words that aren’t used often (would be saved only once). I also have a HSK category so if a word appears there (especially around the sub categories of HSK 3/4 which is around my level) as well as multiple of the tv show categories I want those words to appear first and more often when I do a flash card test. Basically, words that appear only in one category should appear very rarely, words in two will appear more often, and so on.

Or perhaps is it possible to automatically make a category which adds my saved words that are in, for example, 3 or more categories?

Sorry if my explanation wasn’t clear. I’m not sure if doing this is even possible in pleco but if it is, can someone explain how to do it? Thank you!


Staff member
That's not something we support at the moment, unfortunately, or even in 4.0, though we can certainly consider it for the future. The best you could do at the moment would be to manually search for cards that were in two specific categories and then apply a batch command to increase their priority or adjust their score.