Huawei Mate 10 Screen OCR/Screen Reader



Every time I toggle the OCR/Screen Reader it closes after some time by itself. Is there anything I have to change in the settings or is it my phone messing things up (Huawei Mate 10)? My other phones seem to work fine.

Btw want to thank you guys for the work you do. Without it, there would be no way my Chinese could become this good.


Staff member

A lot of phones ship with some sort of power saving / app unloading feature that kills background apps after a while; dig around in the system Settings screen of your phone and you should be able to find and disable it.

Also, if Screen Reader is only set to display a floating button, make it display a notification too (Settings / External Access) - the system may be terminating it due to its running a long time without a notification. (That’s an Android 8 feature - and on 8 we automatically show a notification and don’t even offer the option not to - but some OEMs have backported it to earlier versions)