how to change flashcard test font size?

I've never been able to find a setting to change the font size of flashcards that appear during a Review Flashcards flashcard test, even now after buying the flashcard module. Flashcards> Review Flashcards>Card Text>(sizes) have no effect. Can someone give the full path in the settings to alter? I only mean the flashcards as they appear while you're doing a Review Cards test, not when doing Organize Cards, etc.


Staff member
JimmyTheSaint said:
I've never been able to find a setting to change the font size of flashcards that appear during a Review Flashcards flashcard test, even now after buying the flashcard module. Flashcards> Review Flashcards>Card Text>(sizes) have no effect. Can someone give the full path in the settings to alter? I only mean the flashcards as they appear while you're doing a Review Cards test, not when doing Organize Cards, etc.

Those are bugged, they currently use the dictionary settings instead - this is fixed in the beta 2.4 update.