radioman - 4G phones initially aren't going to be anything most people want, though - they'll be clunky and have terrible battery life, just like the first 3G phones did, and only get coverage in a few areas. I suspect the reason for talk of a CDMA iPhone now is because Verizon's LTE rollout is taking so long that it's clear now Apple wouldn't be able to launch a practical LTE-only iPhone anytime soon.
westmeadboy - I don't see Swype or anything like it being successful for Chinese - even if it works, it's not noticeably faster than cursive Chinese handwriting, and with some major accuracy problems thanks to the fact that so many Pinyin initials / finals are adjacent to each other on a QWERTY keyboard; there's not nearly as much word shape variation as in English. How's it supposed to reliably tell the difference between tao, gao, bao, yao, hao, and nao for example? U/I are also problematic - ti for tu (and tu for ti) - and O/I - zui versus zuo. Contextual information is needed just to make a reasonable guess at the right character for the syllable entered, so expecting it to provide enough data to disambiguate syllables too is a bit of a stretch.
I don't quite see the point of Swype on a tablet, either, honestly - I guess as in the demo they can only use part of the screen, so that your finger can travel a shorter distance (though that means a lot of wasted screen space to the left / right of the IME pad), but it can't really provide any accuracy boost versus a full-width normal keyboard. The optimal tablet text input system hasn't been invented yet, but when it is I'm inclined to think it'll look more like a handwriting recognizer than like a keyboard. (Apple owns some
nice technology in that area, actually) Possibly a fullscreen one (maybe with a two-fingered invocation gesture?) so you don't need to waste a huge amount of screen space on input or move your fingers halfway across the screen to enter text. Having tried Swype on phones at least I'm considerably less impressed than your commentator was, though maybe I just use a lot of unexpected words in unexpected places...
Plugin IMEs in general are only ever really going to be a competitive advantage in Asia - it'd certainly be nice to see them on iPhone (and according to published reports the iPad's OS adds support for both custom keyboards and custom UI controls taking IME input, so Apple's already put most of the infrastructure in there) but I doubt very many users not involved with Asian languages even know what an IME is, let alone can tell the difference between a good / bad one or would go to the trouble to find / install a replacement one that didn't ship on their phone.