A last word because I don't like to quarrel endlessly with a hypothetical customer.
Actually, we treat our users like good customers. Therefore, I would like to describe our normal customers. Usually, they don't pay anything, we pay the server and lots of working hours, some of our customers contribute new words or correct wrong entries, some of them don't. Some of them request new features, some of them are just happy with what we have. Some of them send us their vocabulary files for inclusion or other important information.
All of them, however, understand that it is in our mutual interest to work together for a better (and free!) dictionary and better learning materials. So, they don't complain on other sites about HanDeDict.
I am sure there are many for whom HanDeDict is not enough and they don't use it, we are not angry about that as we know our deficiencies. But we are hard working to improve the dictionary and to win these people over.
Those of you who don't know the online version of HanDeDict, please come and have a look, because we have a lot of materials in addition to the dictionary, the address is
Especially good is our word-by-word analysis of Chinese texts. Our server finds the words, translates them into a vocabulary list, which you can print out or download as pdf file. The latter functionality requires being a registered user which is also free.
(A remark, one can find HanDeDict VERY easily on Google, either by typing "HanDeDict" or even just "Chinesisch" - it's on the first results page.)
A note regarding CC-CEDICT: you can find it here:
Since the new maintainer took over, it has developed into a dictionary which makes good progress. New releases are regular and you also find a lot of functions in addition.
-------A note to Mike Love------
I personally think it is a good idea to have commercial Chinese-German dictionaries in addition to HanDeDict. I also have several (printed) Chinese-German dictionaries.
When you fixed the new format, please talk to us, that we can make sure that people using your software have an easy access to new versions of HanDeDict.
Sorry Mike for the quarrel, I didn't expect that it will end like this. I would have not said anything to Daniel, if he had just said "I personally would like to have also commercial dictionaries" but he needed to say "However when I think of CeDict and assume that this is what HanDeDict will be like I still believe that it would be much better to have a commercial dictionary."
So some of your customers might think "HanDeDict" is bad, therefore a clear correction was necessary.