Font replacement


Hi, I just wanted to change a font in pleco, because some of the characters looks weird and differently than in my friends app (or my notebook), but i don't know how to do it properly. When i changed font by Settings->general nothing has happened, so i just replaced the font droidfallback.ttf by simkai.ttf and mostly it's working but sometimes it doesn't show any character or shows them in the old font. Is the pleco using any other font or maybe you know better way to change it?

Sorry for my english. ;).


Staff member
wasik said:
Hi, I just wanted to change a font in pleco, because some of the characters looks weird and differently than in my friends app (or my notebook), but i don't know how to do it properly. When i changed font by Settings->general nothing has happened, so i just replaced the font droidfallback.ttf by simkai.ttf and mostly it's working but sometimes it doesn't show any character or shows them in the old font. Is the pleco using any other font or maybe you know better way to change it?

Changing the font in Settings / General certainly should have done it, unless Pleco ran into an error loading that font... have you tried any other replacement fonts besides simkai.ttf? Are you using the old version of Pleco or the new beta one from this forum?


Staff member
wasik said:
I'm using the version from google play. Can you recommend me better font than simkai?

Well the official Droid Sans Fallback Full should fill in the missing characters at least - a lot of phones include a stripped-down version of Droid Sans Fallback for space-saving reasons. Has the added benefit of being totally designed for / optimized around Android.

Beyond that, most Chinese fonts are copyrighted so you'd need a license to use one on your phone - we've actually licensed three (a Kai, a Song, and a handwriting font) and are in the midst of licensing a fourth (kind of a new-fangled Hei) so if you can wait a few months those should be officially available in our app soon.


And now it's working just great! Thank you for your help, all characters looks as they should. ;).