Flashcards - spaced repitition question

Well basically after having finished my first year of studying Chinese I ended up with two big boxes of written flashcards. Thus I decided to input all these cards into the Pleco Flashcard system. Now I have already added around 1500 cards and am wondering whether this is going to work out with the spaced repetition system. I mean I will have these 1500 cards all with a score of 100. Now if I do 50 cards today, those that I did not get right the first time, will pop up again tomorrow right? But what about the new 50 cards I will have to cover the day after? And what about the 3rd day? Won't I finally just do cards I did not get right before and in the end not look at any new cards at all?

So basically is it possible to add 1500 new cards and still get the spaced repetition system to work?


Spaced repetition probably won't do what you want here unless you divide the 1500 cards into smaller lists, as it works on the assumption that you are studying the entire list on a daily basis, but I'll let the experts answer that.

In case spaced rep doesn't work out, you can try my method: Flashcards Simplified


MengJiaSheng said:
So basically is it possible to add 1500 new cards and still get the spaced repetition system to work?

Yes, On some lists I use Day Type Calendar which allows me to reset the time at the start time different times during the day when I want to see more cards and "get ahead of schedule" during the day, however that is because in that profile I will do about 800 cards each day. The number of cards dished out is based on the number placed in limit the number of cards to: with that box check as well. Keep that number quite low and you won't get too many cards each day. Then you can put the cards learned if score >= 101. In the scoring section score Manual and increase by 100 points after x correct in a row and do the same for decrease in a row. I use 3 in a row for Increase and 1 in a row for Decrease. Also check Only change cards once per day.

I limit my cards to 30 unlearned each day and with the cards I know it started low but within a few weeks built up to giving me about 800 cards per day to do in that profile. That was on a virgin list of about 3500 words. If you put your unlearned cards down around 2-3, I think you should be in the range you are looking for.


1500 cards might not take you as long as you think, especially if you have learned them all before, because the scores will go up very quickly, thus reducing your daily work load. However, I have used a method when i want to gradually add in a large set of new vocabulary into my master set. Here's how I do it:

create 2 categories, one called "in" and one called "out"

In the manage flashcrads tool, batch add every card that's in your "biglist" category into "out.", so that essentally out and biglist contain the same set of cards.

Next, go into the organize flashcards tool, on the left, select the "in" category. On the right, select the "out" category. You can use the left error under "Move:" to move some of the the cards into the "in" category. (which also deletes them from the "out" category).

In your flashcard session, be sure to include the "in" category for your session.

whenever you want to add more cards, just go back to the organize flashcards tool and move more cards into the 'in' category.

eventually you will have added all of them in, and you can just simply include the "biglist" in your session instead and delete the "in" and "out" categories.
First of all thanks again for all the help.
Unfortunately I am still not sure about the whole thing. I have been using the following options for a month now but I am not sure if I am doing it the right way:


Day type: Hours
Card Selection: Repetition-spaced
Points per day: 100
(V)Limit # of unlearned cards to: 30( had 200 before but I just cant manage to do that many cards a day)
Learned if : socre >= 101
Prioritize by : random


Scoring Type: Automatic
Aggressiveness: 5
Difficulty Scaling: None
(V)Show score buttons : 123/456
(V)Only change score once per day

Card Filter

(V)Score Filter : 0-100

Now I have around 2500 words in one category(dont really want to have more than one category) and I do a mix of cards that I have reviewed before and new cards fromt the pool of around 1800 cards that I have not reviewed yet. Of course with this config I never review cards with a score of more than 100. That means that I will go on going through cards with a score of less than a 100 until I have reviewed all the remaining cards and all cards have a score off 100+. The Problem is that at that point I will have forgotten about many of the cards that I once reviewed again, because I did not review them after they once got a score of 100+.

In the end I want to be at a state where I only have to review most of the cards once a month or even less often. But this hardly seems to be possible. Another question I have also is about the score. The maximum score of the cards seems to be 600, thus these cards are only due again in 6 days. But how is it then possible that a really easy card is only due for review after a few months?

I am sorry for bothering everyone again, but I really have to make sure that this works out. So it would be great if anyone could comment on my config and suggest possible changes to it if necessary.

Thanks so much in advance


I still recommend that you try the method I linked to above: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1513&p=10764#p10764
It'll allow you to manage how many new cards you study at any one time.

Space-repetition is not possible with 2500 cards in a single category unless you
(1) study a large number of cards every day (like 800); or
(2) create a new category, move a smaller number of cards into a new category for study and add new cards to it as you progress.

That's essentially what the other posters have recommended so far.

renovator said:
in that profile I will do about 800 cards each day.

jiacheng said:
whenever you want to add more cards, just go back to the organize flashcards tool and move more cards into the 'in' category. eventually you will have added all of them in
First of all thanks for your help.

I think I got it now. So I have 2 lists now "out"(with like 2400 words) and "in" with 400 words. Is that alright for the "active" list or should I add more words? Should I change anything about the config then?
