Flashcards: Not able any more to solely choose main category


Hello everyone,

I am pretty sure that this wasn't the case in previous versions. I am no longer able to just select the main category for flashcard tests.

I have some main categories that contain sub categories and also flashcards. It is only possible to select the whole main category including all subs to get these cards into the test. as soon as I deselect subs, the main category also gets deselected.

Maybe some new checkbox I missed? Pretty sure this worked a few versions ago.



Staff member
That's actually never been supported - it wouldn't always visibly select the checkboxes for those subcategories, but they were enabled nonetheless, so you were testing on those sub-categories even if you didn't know you were. If you want to avoid cards in subcategories, at the moment the best way to do that would be to create a new subcategory for those cards that are currently only in the parent category.



thank you but that's not what I meant. It's about the cards in the main, not the subs.

Let's say I want to test myself only with the cards I have put in the main category without the sub categories that are also in there.
When I check the main category, all subs are also checked. When I uncheck all subs, the main also gets unchecked and in the end it automatically selects "all cards" because nothing is selected.

Maybe I put those in an extra sub but I am so sure that this wasn't an issue for me some time ago.


Staff member
Yes, that's what I thought you meant. Even though you checked the main category and the sub-categories weren't showing on the screen as being checked, internally they still were, and cards from them were still included in your test - there was a bug in the category selector screen that kept it from showing that, but that was how it worked even before. It's actually never been possible to test on only a parent category without its child categories.


Ok, thank you.

I now have moved all the cards of the main category into another subcategory as a workaround. This also explains why I have a lot more cards to be tested on in each test ;)
Is this planned to get changed (fixed?). At the moment, there is no reason (for me) to put cards in a main category which also contains subs because they are only included in the test when I select everything including every subcategory.


Staff member
No, to be honest we think this is not a place we especially need to add complexity / ambiguity to what's already an insanely complicated system - in retrospect I'm not sure if allowing cards to be placed within categories that also contain other categories was even a good idea, and we may well migrate away from that in a future release (automatically placing cards in their own subcategories).