Flashcards: Best way to repeat all cards until learned


I want to repeat all cards until they are learned. I tried different methods that were explained in other posts and consulted the manual but I can't seem to get the result I'm looking for.

Right now, the card selection system frequency-adjusted seems to work best for me with the setting don't repeat cards disabled. The problem is, that I cannot accurately define when to stop repeating cards. Frequency-adjusted actually never stopped in my latest attempts. The settings for learned cards in card selection doesn't seem to have any influence. Furthermore, frequency-adjusted card selection is marked as deprecated in the manual.

EDIT: I just noticed that frequency-adjusted is not marked as deprecated in the Android manual but in the iOS manual. This makes it even more confusing for me ...

What I really want in a test session:
  • being prompted for all cards in a selected category,
  • the cards are repeated randomly with an increased chance for those cards, that were marked incorrect,
  • learned cards are excluded from repitition; a card is learned if
    • it is marked correct 3 times in a row or
    • its score is above a certain threshold
My problem with the scoring system is, that it either adjusts too quickly (only change once per day deactivated) and I have to reset scores every day, or too slowly (only change once per day activated).

Is this possible with the current flashcard system?
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Staff member
We haven't updated the Android manual since we made the decision to deprecate frequency-adjusted - it's not really going away altogether, though, it's just being replaced with the option for cards to come up more intelligently later in the same test.

For right now, though, I'd suggest that you just scale way back on how much the score increases with each correct answer so that you can leave off 'only change once per day' without having the cards adjust too quickly. The best way to do that is to change the 'easiness divisor' (horrible name, I know) in Scoring / Tweak Parameters; the default score increase percentage is 100 divided by whatever that is, so if you set it to 80 then a card's score will normally increase by only 25% on each correct answer. You may also want to lower the 'easiness change' factors in that screen, at least for correct answers.


I tried out your suggestion with different settings in frequency-adjusted mode with a score filter (0-200). However, it seems that cards which are marked as correct are always regarded as initial correct, thus set to a score of 400. This renders my current approach pretty much useless ...

EDIT: I found a quick workaround. I still have the 0-200 score filter. Furthermore, I've set the scoring system to manual, increasing the score by 50 if correct and setting it back to 100 if incorrect. However, I still have to clean all scores if I want to perform a second test session in a category.
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I know but this doesn't make any difference. The problem is that in frequency-adjusted mode, cards are ALWAYS regarded as initial correct, when marked as correct. No matter if they appear for the first time or not.


Staff member
Pleco will always promote a card to the 'initial correct' score on a correct answer if that score is higher than what it would be based on the interval - if we didn't do that then a card's score would end up permanently advancing much more slowly after just one incorrect answer, which wouldn't really make any sense. So you should set that score to a low enough level that you won't mind that cards are always getting raised to it after a correct answer.


Ahhh, ok. Now I get it. Sorry to bother you. It's working as intended now with initial correct score set to 150. I still have to reset the score file regularily, but that's fine for now. Thank you very much for your help!