Flashcard sentences with word segmentation instead of characters


The way i am currently adding sentences in the flashcard section is the following. I type in the sentence over the dictionary search and then
click on the "+" sign ( I think its the custom card). In the search the words are showing the the correct segmentation. But if I then test on that flashcards and reveal the definition I can only click on characters and not words. Is this somehow possible to set this as default or do i have to manually select the words in the pop up dict
with the arrow keys"-> <-"?

Example: Here i would like to show 游人 and not the character 游.

WeChat Image_20211021111558.jpg
WeChat Image_20211021111536.jpg

Any help would be appreciated!


Staff member
Thanks. This is not currently supported but we may add an option for it in a future update.