@HW60 - we're not entirely sure yet either, actually; we're a few months away from that part of the design since we're overhauling the database engine first. (in part in order to allow us to track more advanced statistics for the subsequent SRS improvements - our current statistics are quite limited because we were worried about taking up more than a few MB of internal storage on a Palm Pilot)
@adam.hamilton - hands-free flashcards are a long-standing request, yes; much easier since Apple added their own English TTS in iOS 7. (on Android we already have an English TTS license from the same people we licensed Hui from - their iOS software doesn't allow for multiple voices in one app but their Android software does) For voice commands, there are a couple of open-source libraries we could tap into, but we've also been considering button control - not sure how consistent the API is for that on Android, but on iOS we can read presses of the pause button on the headphones that come with every iPhone, and that single button might be enough to mark a card correct or incorrect. (we wait a few seconds and do one thing or the other depending on whether you press the button)
Embedded audio and images are both on our roadmap, we just have to sort out how we're going to synchronize them on iCloud.
@adam.hamilton - hands-free flashcards are a long-standing request, yes; much easier since Apple added their own English TTS in iOS 7. (on Android we already have an English TTS license from the same people we licensed Hui from - their iOS software doesn't allow for multiple voices in one app but their Android software does) For voice commands, there are a couple of open-source libraries we could tap into, but we've also been considering button control - not sure how consistent the API is for that on Android, but on iOS we can read presses of the pause button on the headphones that come with every iPhone, and that single button might be enough to mark a card correct or incorrect. (we wait a few seconds and do one thing or the other depending on whether you press the button)
Embedded audio and images are both on our roadmap, we just have to sort out how we're going to synchronize them on iCloud.