Flashcard Export Problem Windows Mobile


I am having a problem exporting lists that have been created in Pleco to .txt files and I have not yet upgraded to 2.0. Using the export function provided, only a portion of the list is exported. If for example I export a list with 34 words, when I re-import this list into Pleco using the Import utility there are only 16 words in file. I would like to export smaller lists that I have used to build larger lists to my PC as a backup and to have less clutter on my pda. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated and sorry if this has been answered elsewhere but I just don't find anything related to this issue on the forum.


Staff member
What text encoding are you exporting/importing in? If you open up the exported text file, do you see all 34 words listed in there or do you only see the 16 that show up when you import the list?


I have tried exporting file both in GB-2312 and Big5 with and without "Include user entry text" all with same result. Have also Reset all card ranks to default to make sure that is not affecting file but same result. The file exports normally to my PC through Active Sync. When I open the exported text file it only has 16 of the 34 words. I have also imported back into pda to make sure that the other words are not hidden somewhere but no, still only 16 once back in pda. Tried several times with same file always with same result regardless of times I try or options I select. Whatever I import into PDA works fine and I never have any loss of data. Only lose words in export function from pda.

I tried several different files just to make sure that there were no corruption or other issues. All exported files lose about 55% of words. :cry:


Staff member
Well that's odd... where are you getting this 34-card count from? Is it in a flashcard session or did you actually go through and count the number of cards listed on the Manage Cards screen? If you do a review session on that flashcard list, do all 34 cards show up correctly or do some of them give you error messages? It could be that some of the cards are corrupted or otherwise inaccessible - that's about the only reason I can think of why they wouldn't be showing up in the export.


Nope, properties shows 34 cards. When I go through cards one by one they go 1 of 34 2 of 34, etc. up to 34 of 34. No problems. All cards look good. This is just an example of one file I have tried larger and smaller files with same problem.


A few months ago I also uploaded a file of 500 top characters from this forum and I have all 500 characters on the PDA. When I now go to export this file from the PDA, there are only 379 characters left in the .txt file. :cry:


mikelove said:
Hmm... what if you export in UTF-8? Does that make any difference?
Maybe it would do the trick as I inport in UTF-8 without any problems but UTF-8 does not show up as an export text encoding option. Can I change something in pda or pleco preferences anywhere to add UTF-8 to export options?


Staff member
Tap on the scroll up arrow in the encoding list box and you should see UTF-8 as the top item. (badly-designed UI layout there)


Yes, Yes!!!! Thank you very much. That did it. Boy you really hid that UTF-8 well. Would have never found it without that last tip. All cards exported are now present and accounted for. :D