Flashcard Export Example Sentences



I've just discovered a quite important problem. I am exporting flashcards, mostly using definitions from the ABC dictionary. Unlike version 2.2.11, version 3.1.1 of Pleco does not hide the vocabulary from the example sentences using a tilde "~" character, but prints them out instead, both for the pinyin and for the Hanzi part. What should look like this:

赶到[趕到] gǎndào r.v. hurry to 我~车站, 车已经开走了。 Wǒ ~ chēzhàn, chē yǐjing kāizǒu le. The bus had already left when I reached the bus stop.

looks like this:

赶到[趕到] gǎndào R.V. hurry to 我赶到车站, 车已经开走了。 Wǒ gǎndào chēzhàn, chē yǐjing kāizǒu le. The bus had already left when I reached the bus stop.

"Filter head in defns" is on, it works correctly within flashcards.

I’d love to get a fix for this with version 3.1.2. Thanks a lot!


Staff member
This one I'm actually not sure about; it was an intentional change - the impression we've gotten is that most people would rather have the complete data to start off with and then filter it themselves (there are a lot of things people use flashcard exports for besides making flashcards out of them) - and in the 3+ months since we released 3.0 you're the first person to complain about it. The cards will already be ~ filtered correctly if you import them back into Pleco (assuming 'filter head in defns' is on).

If you have a text editor with grep / regular expression support, you could use the following find-and-replace commands to tildeify the characters and pinyin in examples:





Thanks a lot, it worked fine with TextWrangler.
Tilde'ifying using Excel's SUBSTITUTE function works great, too.
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