Flash Cards Little Confused

Hi I can add words to the flash cards no problem by pressing the + but I would like them to go into a certain category.

For example I am studying a book or lesson and I come across a word I do not know I look it up in the dictionary. I then want to make a list of the words I need to revise of course I can do this on paper but I was hoping to use the flashcards.

I can press the plus and add it, then later I need to make a category say book 1 chapter 1 and then organize the cards by moving them into there.

Is there some other way that I can do this like make the category when I first start my study of that chapter and then the new words add to that ?

Or should I be using something other than the flash cards for my revision list ?



Staff member
Tap-and-hold on the + and you can select a category to add the new card to - that will also become the default category for future taps on that button until you select another new category.