flash card trainer options

Hey guys,

can someone help me to set up the following?

From the entire directory of flashcards I would like to set apart those which have been answered wrongly the most times. I take it that every single flashcard has imprinted how many times it has been successfully/unsuccessfully answered. How can I do this? how can I tweak the settings to achieve this?

thanks guys,



Staff member
It appears you've stumbled upon a bug in the current version of Pleco - the "search cards" screen allows one to search for / sort the results by the number of times a card has been answered correctly, but not incorrectly.

This will be fixed in the next update, but in the meantime, the best bet would probably be to go into the main flashcard screen / "Search Cards," search for "all cards" and sort by "easiness" "ascending" - the cards with the lowest easiness score are generally the cards you've answered incorrectly the most times.