After getting my hands on Pleco 2.0, I should say I'm really impressed. By the way, I have two things on my wishlist:
At some point I read somebody wishing that the Popup Definition could allow you to jump to a word. It's very convinient that I use the pop-up to search a word on which I need some more "quick" clarifications, but then if I realize there is more to it and should investigate a bit more, there is no way. I have to copy the word, close the popup and in the main window paste it. eg. while looking the entry for 位置 in the main window,I realize I should check what "位" means. I open a popup and then my attention is drawn by 地位 that I would now like to follow to it's own definition, but I can't. I think It would be great to have in the popup an option of copying the word to the input field, or at least just like in the main window, when selecting a word, in the "right click" menu instead of just copy, there should be an option such "copy to input field" or "show popup" It would be so handy!
Another thing that I'd like to see implemented is an option to have many dictionaries merged into one list. Just like Powerword does: eg. First display ABC entries for the word, then comes the Unihan, next comes the Guifan, etc etc. in that way by just scrolling you can find the thing you may need, without having to switch dictionaries... It doesn't matter if at some degree the entries are similar!
Thanks for the time reading that,
but most of all, thanks for the time spent bringing us pleco2!