Extracting characters from flashcard words

I have a flashcard set that is comprised of multi-character words.
Is there any way to create a new flashcard set comprised of the
individual characters from those words? If not, do you think it's
feasible to do this manually by editing an exported text file?



Hi, you could try the following:

1. Export your flashcard set to a text file, not including definitions
2. Open it up in Excel to remove the pinyin column
3. Copy the Hanzi column to a text editor, where you Search and Replace all carriage returns and replace them with nothing
4. Hard Wrap the text with a line width of 1 character (or in a grep editor, search for "(?)" and replace all with "\1\n")
5. Import the text file into a new category (adding a "// (category)" line at the start), telling Pleco to fill in missing fields. You can set "Ambiguous entries" to "Prompt", so if there's more than one pronunciation for a Hanzi, you can pick the one you want.

Regards, Shun
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Thanks, Shun. It shouldn't be too hard to write a script to do this.
The hardest part perhaps will be the duplicate checking: I want to
create a list of *unique* characters. : )


You're welcome! Or in Import Flashcards, you can set Duplicates to Skip.

Regards, Shun

Edit: Excel can remove duplicate cells, as well. (solution through Google)
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