Experimental Font-accelerated PPC Version


mikelove said:
Beta 2 is still not quite as fast as I'd like it to be even on our 620 MHz Axim, so this is probably a good idea anyway.

yes - I think the same thing ... using the same device ... Go for it!

BTW: actually I liked the smaller icons in PD1 more ... Just cause I got VGA does not mean that I need bigger icons ...


Staff member
Aside from the dictionary switch icon the PD2 icons should be the same size as the PD1 ones - are you sure they're bigger or is there any chance they might just look that way because of the ugly black borders?



You are right - it is the borders. I assume that the "ugly black borders" :D (who on earth made them ...) also make the space less - so that one row only takes 9 symbols instead of 10 like before ...



Staff member
'twas me, sadly, the buttons actually use pretty much the same code as several other things that do need borders (like the radical selection box) and I neglected to re-disable it in the button code after tweaking it in those other places. The next round of prettying-up should get rid of them and will probably also bring back the nice gray background from before.


Staff member
Quick update on this: we've now rewritten the font drawing system once again for Beta 3, and the speed difference is enormous; the blitter (code which actually draws the character bitmap on the screen) is running about 10-20x faster. This is more a reflection of the terrible state of the old blitter than our brilliant programming skills, but regardless it translates to an overall speed improvement of 3-4x in typical font drawing operations. So it should feel much much smoother now.

(these are all benchmarks from an emulated system with no graphics acceleration, but because of the nature of the changes the difference may actually be greater running on real hardware (which we're going to be testing it on soon))