E2+ NJStar/DYTS CKJOS 4.621 + Berlitz 1.0.1 Issue...



When the latest CKJOS (I only have the Simplified/Traditional fonts and filter databases installed) is enabled, the character sets for Cantonese/Mandarin Berlitz (Latin American Spanish unaffected) becomes garbled. Berlitz displays character sets properly when CJKOS is disabled. Verified by uninstalling CKJOS and Berlitz twice. Comments? Suggestions? Resolutions (short of disabling CKJOS when Berlitz is called up)?


Latin American Spanish IS affected (I gather other languages may also suffer similar setbacks) as many characters fail to display, rendering phrases nearly useless...


Staff member
Yes, we're aware of the problem - CJKOS is rather sloppy about checking whether or not an application is using a custom font, so even when we load our own font files it still tries to convert them into Chinese. Aside from pestering the author of CJKOS to disable Chinese rendering for custom fonts (or to add a feature to selectively disable CJKOS for specific applications) I'm afraid there isn't much I can suggest beyond disabling CJKOS when you run Berlitz - to work around this ourselves we'd have to completely rewrite the Berlitz font system, and I think most of our customers would agree that we're better off putting our money and development time into PlecoDict updates.


If only more customers knew of and had more experience with the Berlitz books...


This was my response from DYTS Technical Support:

We have no such a plan. If CJKOS do not rendering custom font, certain
apps sure can not display Chinese any more.

Best regards,


So I have to hope that you guys will find the time to update the phrase books...


Staff member
Well they wouldn't have to disable custom font rendering, they'd just have to provide some sort of an option where you could disable CJKOS in selected applications - there are any number of other system-hacking programs that do this, and Berlitz is certainly not the only program that has issues with CJKOS.

But it's extremely unlikely we'd fix this problem on our end - as I said, we'd have to completely rewrite the font system, which would take weeks, and without Palm OS Cobalt as an argument for doing it there are only a small percentage of the already small number of Berlitz customers affected by this. And we've already said we're not doing any more updates. I don't like the idea of end-of-lifing a product like this, but from a business standpoint it's an easy decision.