Does a 'containing' search option exist?

I'm wondering if a 'containing' search feature exists or not.

- If a certain word exists - then this feature isn't strictly needed because it can be looked up in the 'words' section under 'beginning with' or 'containing'.

- If you know the length of a phrase, word, etc. - then this feature isn't strictly needed, either, because you can just wildcard it (?, @) where your gaps are.

Assuming we don't know the length(!) and we're trying to find a word like 爽身粉 (talc) but we can only recall 身粉 - 身粉 isn't it's own singular word by itself, so no option to go through any 'words' section and again having forgotten length wildcarding seems to be out of the question.

Does a feature exist where searching 身粉 would return 爽身粉?


Hi, yes: „*身粉”, where * stands for 0-3 characters. Or „**“ would stand for 0-6 characters.

Any other characters can appear after that. (with or without an extra asterisk)
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