Disaster! Restoring Pleco


Hi, Just had a nightmare come true the night before a Chinese exam! I just dropped my ipaq and the battery popped out and that reset my machine for some reason and now i have no pleco on my pda any more!!! Nightmare!! is it possible to restore what i have lost? The computer i origninally installed it on is my parents and i am now back at uni. I use a mac but have access to a pc that i can re install it from, All the files that were stored on my SD card are still there but i have just lost the main pleco dict program, the main thing im worried about is the 800 or so flash cards i have spent the last 2 weeks making, will I be able to get them back? Do i need to get a new key code to unlock it?
if someone could advise me on the steps I should take/how to restore pleco dict that would be awesome.


I suspect you're out of luck with the flashcards, sad to say. I've not had much experience with this, but about the only option would be paying a vast sum of money to get a data retrieval specialist to have a look at it for you... Someone else may have a better idea though.

On the other hand, re-installation should be easy. Doesn't matter how or from where it's installed, just so long as the EXE and DLL files are on the device. You will need to download your keyfile again, but you won't need a new one, as such.


cheers. i've got pleco up and running again but minus flashcards! bum out! definitely going to back them up this time!


It's a bit of a pain. If you're lucky someone else may have a solution...

Also, have you not been synching your device? I know that with Pal, stuff like the flashcards should be automatically backed up, so if you have synched since creating they might be on your desktop machine.


havent synced because literally just finished creating them and also Ive just switched to a mac and havent got round to figuring out how to sync my mac with my pocket pc! cheers for all your help!


Ouch. Not much to be done then I guess... :(

Have a look on these forums, there's a thread about WM synching on a Mac.


Staff member
Missing Sync and PocketMac are the main two ways to do that. You can back up your flashcards by going into your Pocket PC's "My Documents" folder (should be easy once you've got it syncing) and copying the "PlecoDict Flashcards" and "PlecoDict User DB C-E" files from there to a folder on your Mac's hard drive.


On the Palm PDA I backup everything from memory, the whole lot, onto my SD Card (using NVBackup or InnerBackup or RFBackup), which I can then copy to any computer, and burn the card's contents onto CD if I want to be that paranoid (a yearly CD backup is a nice time capsule).

I wonder if such a free backup tool exists for the windows PDAs? Surely there must be, even if you have to buy it, but I don't know about that side.
Sync or not, it's such a handy piece of insurance on the road, and a complete restore takes about two minutes, tops, without even leaving the cinema (been there, done that, got my life back).