Dictionary entry missing after changing phone


Sorry if this is a duplicate post, I couldn't find any similar question.

It's the second time that I change phone since I use Pleco, and I always get a number of cards where the dictionary entry is missing. I'd like to understand if I'm doing something wrong, of if the backup doesn't include certain things.

I think those missing cards are "custom cards". I tried remap to existing dictionaries, but it looks like there are really no dictionary definition.

Shouldn't the custom cards also get backed-up completely? Should I have saved those custom cards as "user dictionary entries" previously?



Staff member
Custom cards should be backed up completely, yes - it's only user dictionary entries that aren't (have to backed up separately), and it's difficult to create those by accident. Is there any chance you might simply have forgotten to install one of the dictionaries you previously downloaded in Add-ons (maybe one of the free ones)?
User dictionary entries are not backed when using "backup database" ?
If so, it is probably what I need to back-up and restore on my new phone.

I'm sure it's not an existing dictionary, because many of those missing translations are things I created myself, for example "統治政治" - not an actual word but two similar words that I put next to each other to get used to their differences.

All right, let me try to backup the user dictionary and hopefully they'll come back (I guess I'll need to remap entries to user dictionary after this is done).


Staff member
Yes, they're backed up separately instead. Most user dictionaries are widely distributed rather than created by individual users, so it doesn't really make sense to back them up automatically (people would be running into very slow 200 MB flashcard backups and wondering why).

There shouldn't be any need to remap as long as you back up the user dictionary database (Settings / Manage Dictionaries) rather than just exporting it and re-importing it; the entry IDs will carry over.