Dictionary Entry Formatting

Okay, so, I'm making a user dictionary and I have a question about formatting.

I have an entry for the character "污" with two definitions but where only the first definition has an alternative character: “巫”

the entry is written like this in the dictionary:
污 [巫①]

so should I add it into the user dictionary like this:
污/巫① wu1 ①blah blah blah...②......
or add a "footnote"
污 wu1 ①blah blah blah...②...... ☛ “污①”书面也写作“巫”。

I don't know if there are any, so-called, proper ways to format it - or if it's all just preferential -- but I'd like to get some opinions....cheers.


I'm not sure if there is an official way to format it, but maybe you could have two entries - one main one for "污" and another for "巫"? In the entry for 巫 it would then link to 污① and in 污① it would link to 巫. That way you could find the entry if you searched for either but there wouldn't be any confusion about 污②.


Staff member
That's definitely the best approach, yes - adding extra data like a ① to the headword is liable to confuse the system and leave you with weird search results. We have an internal system for linking a variant to a particular section of a dictionary entry rather than to the entire thing, but we haven't yet polished that to the point where we feel comfortable with supporting it in user dictionaries.