Desktop version


Staff member
Not going on yet, no - we'll let everyone know when it is, but it'll be after the 4.0 beta starts on mobile.

No information to share about 4.0 dates either.


Staff member
Same answer - I'm not planning to announce the date for that until it's already approved by Apple + immediately ready for TestFlight signups.


This will probably also be worked into bundles in some way, i.e. there'll be some even bigger Pleco bundle that includes both mobile and desktop versions, and a 4.0 bundle upgrade option built around that too, but all very much up in the air at the moment.
Hey @mikelove, wondering, should I wait for a Mac product before buying a Pleco bundle (have not yet), or will the cost difference be negligible, if any (i.e., buying a Pleco bundle now, then the Mac version later, will that come out to about the same as if I waited and bought them all together after Mac comes out?). Cheers


Staff member
Hey @mikelove, wondering, should I wait for a Mac product before buying a Pleco bundle (have not yet), or will the cost difference be negligible, if any (i.e., buying a Pleco bundle now, then the Mac version later, will that come out to about the same as if I waited and bought them all together after Mac comes out?). Cheers
I haven’t worked that out yet. In general I’m planning to increase prices when 4.0 comes out, but there’ll also be an upgrade fee to unlock some of the new features in 4.0, and the desktop version will come with an additional fee. And I’m also planning to offer lower prices on our website than on the App Store and Google Play. So put all of that together with 23 years of past purchases that people might upgrade from and it’s a pretty complicated price list to put together :)