Clipboard reader


Two issues I can see with the clipboard reader.

1. If you are reading something from clipboard reader, then switch to another app to clip something else, the clipboard reader will it pick up the new text (the legacy app did pick it up instantlly). If you try to click in coipboard reader from recent documents, it also continues to show the old content.

2. In the clipboard reader there is no longer a way to select text. Clicking on a work only shows the definition and doesn’t show handles for selection.


Staff member
1) was a deliberate change, though maybe one we should make optional - the thinking there was that if you're in the middle of reading something (perhaps something totally unrelated to Pleco, e.g. if you have to copy and paste something to respond to a text) we should not actually take you out of the thing you were reading in Pleco until you tap on a 'reload' button to explicitly ask us to. Is the reload button correctly turning from gray to blue once you've copied something new?

2) if you select text with a tap hold, that should give you selection handles. We had thought those were kind of distracting the rest of the time, though again that's something we could revisit.


Thanks. For #1, I like the thinking although I guess it wasn't obvious. I didn't even notice the refresh button until you mentioned it, and it works as you described. I think the new behaviour may indeed be better, and will play with a bit more and let you know if I have any other feedback.

Losing the selection handles is definitely less discoverable. It does seem to work as you describe, although after selecting text, I can't seem to see the same options menu that used to come up (allowing me to further copy--without destroying the current copy buffer that I am reading--or do other things like convert from traditional to simplified, etc). Shouldn't those be there? I frequently used that.


Staff member
You can get to that from the 'share' menu now. Honestly I hate that little popup menu - it's downright painful to get to anything in it that's not in the first page - and since we're already superimposing toolbars over it anyway it seemed like the big friendly full-screen share menu was a better way to get at the same sorts of functionality.


Thanks. Maybe I'm blind, but I can't seem to find that share menu. Is it on the top toolbar or the bottom? When I select text, I see all of the buttons in the top toolbar are greyed out and the bottom only has right/left navigation buttons.


Staff member
The rightmost one should be a share icon and shouldn't be grayed out, even if the others are - is that not the case? Can you post a screenshot?


Hm, no it’s not there. Here’s a screenshot.


Staff member
Hmm, yeah, there's supposed to be a little popup in this case - an iPad with no definition bubble (on iPhone those buttons at the top of the definition bubble are at the top of the screen instead and persist even with a custom selection) - but it seems like it's not appearing; will investigate, thanks.


Also note the share button on the top right (appearing after You select text), no longer seems to have an option to convert traditional to simplified and vice versa. Should it be there?

(btw, I do miss selection handles showing up immediately. Also, the share button adds one more click between selecting and copying which is not nearly as convenient. As wonky as the old option was, imho it feels more fluid).