Changing the pleco SRS intravls?


Hi, i was wandering if i can play with the setting of the Srs so it wont be according to pleco algoritem. I want to change it acoording to laytner system(i.e 1-3-7-15 repetion and thats it). So thers a way i can configer the pleco srs according to this intravals?
Thanks alot


Well i was looking threw the search to find similar topic, i was manage to understand it possible but didnt get how i need to configure it. so il be more spesific about what i want: set the srs intervals like this: if i learn a new card and mark it as learnd(lets say i stsrt study on the 1.5) i want it to show the next day, if the folowing day(2.5) i got it right again i want to see it only three days from that so in the 5.5
If on if on 5.5 again right i wanna see it a week from that on the 12.5. and if on the 12.5 i got it right than i wanna see it only on the 27.5 i.e 15 days from that. Finnaly if i got it right on the 27.5 it reach maximum score and i dont want to see it again. About incorect answer: if on any of the stages i got it wrong the card get back to zero point and stsrt evrything over.
Would love to know if that possible and if yes than how?
Many thanks


You will have to play around with the scoring parameters to get close to the desired result. In New Test/Scoring/Tweak parameters, change Initial Correct Score to 100 and Correct Scale Score Increase to 200%. Then Minimum Score to 50 and Maximum Score to 1495. In New Test/Card Filters you have to set Score Filter End = 1500 to stop reviewing after you reached the 15 days.
The settings are not easy to test, but you can adjust the settings if you do not like the result.

You did not write what you want to do if you do not know the card the first time you review it.


Thanks for the replay! About your question if on the first time reviewing i will not know i would like it to appear again and again untill i got it correct and then move on as usaual i.e see it the next day. How can i do that? Thanks


In New Test/Commands/End-of-Session you should set Repeat incorrect and Loop repeat incorrect.


Thanks i will try, just one question: in the initail correct option and the correct scale score thers quality 4,5,6 i should change wich one?


If in New Test/Scoring/Prompt for recall quality is NOT set, there should be only one value to change instead of three values.


Well started using it according to your guiding and couple of question came up:
1. Intialy i put 14 new words and study them. But one day later when i was reviwing them only 10 of the 14 came up.
2. In this sesion of review i didnt remember two words if the 10 so technecly i was sopused to see them today again. But for some reason they didnt show up.
3. Thous 4 words i mantion on the first part also today didnt show up.


The system is SRS (spaced repetition system), and the cards come up if they are due. To be due depends on the score, so you should look at the score of your cards (

The delays of reviewing you want to achieve (1-3-7-15) can probably not be achieved exactly. You must try to get a score of about 100, 300, 700 or 1500 after every correct answer by adjusting the tweak parameters. But if you have different delays with equal answers, maybe your cards had an initial score before you started the new parameters?


Thanks for your help but it becoming to complicated for me...i will stay with paper ones for know. Really appriciate all your help:)


Staff member
Fixed day progressions aren't something we support yet, but they're actually a very popular feature request and will probably be coming in 3.3 or 3.4. In the meantime I'd suggest either SRS as @HW60 says, or trying to rig up something with card filters - those are a pretty powerful system, you could combine a "date filter" for cards that were "last reviewed" within/not within X days with a "history filter" for cards answered correctly/incorrectly X times in a row and simulate pretty much any Leitner 'box' you wanted.


Thanks, another question please: on flashcard option not the srs, if im using the simple option, can i set the option so when a card rich a score of 1000 it will stop to appear? I tried to do it by my self but the card exceed 1000 score and keep to appear. Thanks


Staff member
That should be doable through Card Filters, yes - which option did you set when you tried this yourself?


I set it like this:

Card filter-
Score filter:

Day type: hours

The problem was (i just test it on 2 cards) that even if i got a card right for 19 times in a row his score remain 400 and he kept showing up.
I dont want the scoring to be limeted in any way, if a card rich the score of 1000(even in one day) that should be it, is that possible?


Staff member
Turn off "only change once per day" in Scoring - that should let the score keep increasing. You may also want to set "scoring system" to "manual" so that it will go up by a set amount (some number of points per right answer).


Just try that but the problem now is that going over the card filter i.e the card get the score of 1200+ and still showing again and again.
What im doing wrong? And what is card learnd option?


Staff member
Is the filter actually turned on? (box for it checked) And which card learned option are you referring to?


Yes its on i have no idea why its not working. Im talking about this option:
Card selection-
Learnd card-
Card is learnd if=


O.k found out what was the problem: the set of cards was set on:#endless. Just change it to #all and evrything work perfectly;)
Thanks, now that derive a new question; can i set a session that will not stop before a card rich a sertain score?


Staff member
Not at the moment, though we'd like to support that in 'endless' in a future release. We do let you repeat incorrect cards multiple times until you get them correct, though - that option is in Commands.