Beta 10 Bug Report / Feedback Thread


I hope so too! I have a couple of questions I've been meaning to ask. First is about the popup definitions in the Reader. I have quite a few dictionaries installed, but when select a common word that would occur in virtually every dictionary I typically see only three dictionaries listed in the popup window: ABC, PLC and CC. Why do the other dictionaries not show up? Can this be changed?

Second, when I scroll through a long list of dictionary entries in the regular dictionary window (NOT the popup in Reader) I see all the installed dictionaries (which is good) but the display is jerky as I scroll. Is this due to lack of processing power on my iPad 3? Or is everyone seeing this?

Hope there are no significant problems with Beta 10. I look forward to having the new version on my iPhone and FINALLY being able to sync flashcards between it and my iPad via iCloud!


Open Document
Open File or Clipboard Reader

Pinyin input reverts back to iOS Pinyin input.


  • s1.PNG
    289.1 KB · Views: 704


Open Document
Open File or Clipboard Reader

Drawing characters is missing undo.


  • s2.PNG
    131.5 KB · Views: 740


Staff member
dcarpent - thanks very much for pointing out the first one; obscure failure case we'd forgotten to check for. Anyway it's fixed for the official version, in the meantime if you go into Manage Dictionaries and turn off the "fallback" option for Unihan, that should get it working correctly.

The iPad 3 lag we can't do much more for at the moment, sadly, though we're continuing to optimize where we can.

goldyn chyld - you're welcome! We've made a few nice improvements to automation recently, and since there'll be at least a week or two lag before Apple approves the thing we want to be as current as we can manage in spite of that :)

Earl - on your first issue, what do you mean by 'reverts back to iOS Pinyin input'? Is the problem that you'd like our tone input bar to appear here above the keyboard?
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dcarpent - thanks very much for pointing out the first one; obscure failure case we'd forgotten to check for. Anyway it's fixed for the official version, in the meantime if you go into Manage Dictionaries and turn off the "fallback" option for Unihan, that should get it working correctly.

goldyn chyld - you're welcome! We've made a few nice improvements to automation recently, and since there'll be at least a week or two lag before Apple approves the thing we want to be as current as we can manage in spite of that :)

Earl - on your first issue, what do you mean by 'reverts back to iOS Pinyin input'? Is the problem that you'd like our tone input bar to appear here above the keyboard?
Mike, yes that's what I wanted. If you have the Pinyin keybord installed you can, of course, tap the Globe and type pinyin using the native iOS-IME.


Staff member
Yes - the iPad 3 shipped with an extremely underpowered processor for its screen size, so CPU-intensive rendering tasks like drawing text tend to lag on it for that reason.


Noticed a few oddities with some entries. Just wanted to report these in case it's something with the translation scripts.

陇原: location of "(alternate acupoint name" a bit strange)
quan2yu4 has a weird looking headword: 痊/全愈〔-/--/癒/瘉〕


ePub navigation improved a great deal. Scrolls smoothly to the next page and the pop up definitions are not chopped off. Well done!


Is there a way to adjust the reader (male/female) when using the new auto read aloud feature - the megaphone icon? I can adjust the speed and turn on/off the def bubble but can't switch between the 2 gender voices?


Well it is a wonderful feature. Read slow read fast. Of course it never sounds native. But it is very useful.


Beta 10 feels really rock solid. :)

Still noticing one thing, though: The toolbar that appears, at the bottom, when a character is highlighted in the definition panel, is still hidden when the keyboard is open.


I am on beta 10, and just tried to reproduce it. It works well until one clicks on a pinyin hyperlink (ie. See also .... ) in the definition area. After doing that the toolbar starts getting hidden again.

I must have got it in that state earlier when I reported it not working. When working, it is great!


I thought it was user error so I did not report this before, I have found the pasteboard is not opening when I have deliberately copied character text. Not when program is already open or upon open after copying text. Which setting is this?