Automatic iCloud Drive backups


Hello Mike,

Pleco 3.2.73 automatically backs up a user's flashcards database to the iCloud Drive’s "Pleco" folder once a week. Can I ask:
  • Does it do this only while the iPhone/iPad has a Wi-Fi connection, or also when it’s on a cellular connection?
  • Do these backups also happen with Pleco running in the background, or independently of whether Pleco is running?
  • Is there a way to disable them?
I think it’s a great feature to complement the regular iCloud Backup, but as my flashcards database is over 300 MB and my cellular connection at home is only 5 Mbit/s down and 1 Mbit/s up, I suspect it might negatively impact my connection performance while using the device, and battery life. I searched the forums but couldn't find an answer. Thanks!




Staff member
We actually don't do any networking on our end; we just make a copy of the file in a folder that Apple uploads / syncs with iCloud and they do the rest. So for the most part that should only happen when your device is idle, charging, and on WiFi - it certainly wouldn't be allowed to disrupt other network usage, they're pretty scrupulous about that.

(we don't currently offer a way to disable them, essentially because we think the risk of somebody doing that by accident and then not having a way to recover their flashcards is great enough to offset any annoyance)


I would do the same. Your answer helped me narrow down the problem. I found that I had this setting turned on all the way down in System Settings > Cellular:


Turning it off should work for me. Thanks again!