Audio sometimes not working


I use flashcards with frequency-adjusted card selection and score-based subject selection. At a certain high score level Pleco should only give me the audio. I am not sure if some cards work but I am sure that i witnessed several cards delivering me just nothing at all at the level of "sound only". (I double checked the cards' score and the score level set to "sound only".)

Any ideas...?

Thanks in advance.


Staff member
Hmm... could you send me a few of these words? Does the audio in them play normally if you go into their definition screens (tap on the [>] button at the top of the flashcard test screen) and tap on the audio button on those?

If you don't mind emailing me a flashcard backup database (along with a list of a few words this happens with) that should make it easier for us to diagnose + fix this - go into Import/Export / Backup Database in the sidebar menu, then send the resulting database file to mikelove at pleco (dot com).


Yes, usually their audio plays. Also when their score is back to 100 (after I marked them as "incorrect" because I couldn't hear or see anything) and the card comes up again. Only at that level without any other show items. Btw it seems these cards all fail when their score is exactly at 6584 (other scores I just don't now); no idea why. Example words and the database in the email later...

Thanks in advance!