Android support for iTunes mp3 Lyrics

I have a friend with the iOS version of Pleco and he says that this works. Does it also work in the Android version? I have a bunch of mp3 Chinese lessons from ChineseLearnOnline that have embedded dialog to go with the audio and I miss that with normal Android players.


Staff member
rraffensperger said:
I have a friend with the iOS version of Pleco and he says that this works. Does it also work in the Android version? I have a bunch of mp3 Chinese lessons from ChineseLearnOnline that have embedded dialog to go with the audio and I miss that with normal Android players.

No, unlike iOS Android doesn't offer a built-in API for that so it would be a good deal trickier for us to support. (also why iOS is getting PDF support first) However, I'm sure you can find a utility on your computer that will dump embedded lyrics from MP3 files to text files, if CLO isn't offering you any other way to get them.
Ok, thanks for the fast response. I do have them in a file, but it is PDF and I got the feeling from your reply that translation of PDF is not working yet. Is that right?


Staff member
rraffensperger said:
Ok, thanks for the fast response. I do have them in a file, but it is PDF and I got the feeling from your reply that translation of PDF is not working yet. Is that right?

No, but depending on how the PDF was generated might be able to find a program to convert them from PDF to TXT - Calibre is a free utility that does that, for example, though it doesn't work in every PDF.