sfrrr said:The Adroid market seems to be composed of a bunch of inexperienced (yes?) developers either shamelessly stealing WinMo and Symbian apps. That explains some of it, but not all. Technologically, is Android 3.0 at about the stage of Windows PPC before 2003? And is it a problem of software or hardware?
You'd probably need a more experienced Android hand to give you a definitive answer on this, but in general I'd say that Android makes it easier even than iPhone to build interfaces using standard, Google-supplied buttons and text boxes and such, but harder than iPhone or Windows Mobile to build your own custom ones. So there's a lot of incentive to stick with what Google gives you and not try to make things any prettier. The developers are different also, though - Apple was blessed with a tradition of beautiful Mac apps dating back to years before iPhone, and a base of enthusiasts who crave / eagerly reward those apps, while most of the hardcore Android fans come from the cool-features-with-hacked-together-UIs world of Linux or the homogenous-but-very-very-bland world of Windows.
And it's a bit of a psychological thing - Apple's built-in apps do look lovely, many third-party ones look lovelier still, and Apple makes it incredibly easy to get your simple app looking pretty, which in turn encourages you to spend more time tweaking and perfecting the look, design / license some better custom icons, maybe play around with color schemes and gradients and so on. Pretty begets pretty, in other words - if Android gets up to a critical mass of apps with lovely, totally-customized UIs it's likely a lot more developers will invest the time in UI beautification. (though some improvements from Google's end in 3.0 would also help)
nairbv said:I really hope the issues with the Oxford dictionary can be worked out though, I've bought 2-3 paper ones at one time or another, and I do like them.
Thanks - would this hold true for the Oxford Concise even though there's a much larger Oxford out now? (this question is for everyone, actually - would you still want Oxford Concise E&C back in Pleco if you can't get the big new Oxford Chinese Dictionary in it?)
nairbv said:I just subscribed to the mailing list, keep us updated if you do come up with device recommendations. I might buy a device in advance if I know it will run pleco well.
We'll try - hopefully the Android 3.0 announcement will clarify things considerably in this regard.