Adjust popup window size


Is there any plans to update the size or give users the option to adjust the popup window size or even allowing example sentences in the popup? The popup feels small.

Also, is it possible to change the behavior of what happens when you highlight a word in whatever app and press the pleco button in the context menu, instead of opening up the whole app and leaving the current app, could you guys add the option to open up the popup from that context menu button instead please? Thank you!


Staff member
In general our recommended solution there is that you tap on the 'expand' button to show the full-screen definition; we're a little wary of making the bubble too big (or adding too much more information to it) since then it takes you out of the context of what you're reading, at which point you might as well just have it full-screen. We've experimented with trying to fit example sentences into even a half-screen-sized bubble and found it too cluttered be usable.

For popups, since that context menu command launches an Activity we're not aware of any reliable way to show it as only a bubble and not full-screen; however, our Screen Reader function allows you to tap-lookup text on the screen.


Yeah I can imagine the example sentences create a lot of clutter. Thanks for the quick response

I wanted to ask another question. I think someone else already asked about support for yomitan dictionaries and it seems that won't get support soon so I wanted to ask about the pleco dictionary file structure. Is there somewhere I could learn about what is needed to convert to the pleco file type? Like basically what is needed for the app to recognize and import the file? I'd like to see some yomitan dictionaries in pleco!


Staff member
It’s pretty basic at the moment, a plaintext file with:


One item per line. We’re adding Markdown formatting in our next major update - including some useful extra syntax / attributes / class IDs - but we haven’t yet come up with a good reason to support anything more complicated than that; most of the features people expect from Chinese dictionaries are features we already support algorithmically that a user dictionary doesn’t need to worry about.


I have a csv file and I converted it to tsv but then realized you said text file so I just changed the file extension but pleco still doesn't recognize the file as a dictionary.

Originally the csv file has 3 columns, called word,reading, definition.
Than every row after the first with the names is each entry. Could you tell me if my formatting is wrong or something else to do with the file type please?


Staff member
That should be fine - create a new user dictionary in Settings / Manage Dictionaries and then import the file via the “Import” command in that new dictionary’s Manage Dictionaries screen.