Adding sentences to flashcard category


I'm getting duplicated flashcards trying to do this: I have a default category called 'vocabulary' and I have configured Pleco to automatically add flashcards when I press '+'. I have other categories and if I want to add any other term to them I just hold '+' and select a new category. So far so good but I have recently created a category named 'Sentences' in which I want to add example sentences from the PLC dictionary.
This is what I do, I go to any term sentences and hold the '+' next to that sentence, I choose 'Sentences' (which creates the card in that category), but at the same time I get a message saying that the card has also been created in the 'vocabulary' category . So I end up with two flashcards and I have to manually delete the one in 'vocabulary'. Is this normal? Is there any way to only add that sentence to my 'Sentences' category?

Another minor thing. I close the Clip Monitor or the Screen Reader with the shortcuts, but when I reboot the cellphone and open Pleco again (or restart the app through settings) the two functions are On. But shouldn't they be turned off since last time I closed them with the shortcut?



Staff member
Are you using our latest update (3.2.16)? I'm not seeing this sentence adding issue in that, and the shortcut issue was a known one that should have been fixed in that update.


Hi, Mike.
Sorry, the flashcards problem was that I was holding the '+' in the sentence more than needed. If you keep holding it for one more second it adds the flashcard to the 'vocabulary', if I let go my finger right immediately after the categories window pops up I can add it only to 'Sentences'. :oops:

About the shorcuts. I'm using last update. This is what happens in my cellphone (Android 4.1.2, Chinese Samsung GT-S7898. rooted).
-If I close both Clip Monitor or the Screen Reader with the desktop shortcuts, when I reboot both of them are open (they show in my upper bar).
-If I close both Clip Monitor or the Screen Reader with the option in the side bar menu, when I reboot only the Screen Reader is enabled (showing in upper bar) but the service is not running (in Settings --Accessibility)
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Staff member
OK, we're doing a 3.2.17 tomorrow anyway so we'll try to make sure these are addressed in that.


Staff member
Trying very hard to get Android stabilized (after spending most of the summer on it) so we can focus on iOS + new dictionaries for a while.


Well, shortcuts are going much better now! Just two minor things (in case you want to leave it perfect):
-When I reboot none of them is running, but when I open Pleco the Screen Reader activates automatically, so I have to close it manually (since is a feature that I don't want to be there all the time).
-With the desktop shortcut the Screen Reader does not show the messages of 'Screen Reader Notification Enabled' (or Disabled). With the side bar menu it only skips showing the 'Screen Reader Notification Disabled' (the enabled one shows).


Staff member
Addressed in the newly released 3.2.18, really hoping this lets us put Android to bed for a bit :)


Sorry to bother again but another thing regarding this issue :oops:. When I am using the Clip Monitor and I use the quick access in my upper bar to open the definition in Pleco or the Clip Reader, the Screen Reader activates by itself again (when I have it off already:().
Another suggestion for the Clip Monitor. Add an 'x' button to close it in the upper bar, just like the one in the Screen Reader.


Seems that the Screen Reader kind of pops up almost every time I open Pleco (even when I have marked the option to 'Hide when Pleco active')o_O