79,000 Chinese-English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish sentences

I don't know why but that doesn't work. It still only pronounces the pinyin word.

Alternatively, is there a way to change the default to speak the entire sentence instead?
When I do that it pronounces everything but the pinyin. It spells the pinyin out because it doesn’t recognize the vowels with the marks above it. I reveal the entire card and then hold the sound icon in the bar above. It lets me choose which Chinese voice to use to read it. I can’t select any of the chinese before the card is revealed to have it read aloud though


When I do that it pronounces everything but the pinyin. It spells the pinyin out because it doesn’t recognize the vowels with the marks above it.

Would appreciate if you could let me know how you did this? I can't make it pronounce anything else other than the pinyin.
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I don't know why but that doesn't work. It still only pronounces the pinyin word.

Alternatively, is there a way to change the default to speak the entire sentence instead?

You need to tap on the first word of the sentence so it gets selected and the pop-up definition comes up, then extend the selection by dragging the little arrow on its right to the end of the sentence, so that the whole sentence is selected. Then, you tap on the speaker button. Should work!


I did not realize these could be imported to Anki easily. Even the contextual sentences set?

You could import the contextual sentences into Anki when you have Anki configured to three fields. Though it wouldn't make that much sense, because you can't draw the characters and have them checked by Anki. For regular two-language sentence flashcards, Anki is great, though.


@Shun @leguan

Any idea on this issue?

I can select the entire sentence BEFORE the card is revealed but it won't read aloud the entire sentence, just the pinyin.
E.g. "Do you have a room available. I selected the entire sentence but it still only pronounces "nimen" only." (see attachment)

I can't get the sentence to be read aloud when fully revealed. What I can do is select character sets and get them to read aloud but I can't select the entire sentence to read out aloud. Maybe it's something to do with my flashcard settings.

For example, the card:
"Money can't buy happiness"

I can select the phrase "money" or "can't buy" individually and get them read out but I cannot select the entire sentence. I can't drag and select the entire sentence once the entire card is revealed.


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Hi agewisdom,

so the Android version doesn't have the selection handles everywhere. But you can also use the button circled in red to extend the selection towards the right, if you start from the left:

text selection.png

If you select the leftmost Chinese word, then tap the circled button multiple times, then tap on the speaker button, it should work all right.




If you select the leftmost Chinese word, then tap the circled button multiple times, then tap on the speaker button, it should work all right.

Shun, many thanks. Yes, that enabled me to select the entire sentence. The pinyin word is pronounced funny, but that's to be expected. This is fun. I'm going to start practicing reviewing these cards :D
Would appreciate if you could let me know how you did this? I can't make it pronounce anything else other than the pinyin.

sure, using the profile I created using all your settings as described in detail on the forum post, (plus under commands- repeat incorrect cards- during test- delay before repeat- 3 minutes) I can begin a new test. It will show a chinese sentence with a target word changed to pinyin. If I select the whole sentence here and press the sound toolbar icon it only princes the pinyin. If I hold the icon nothing happens. If I reveal only the translation the same thing happens when I press the sound icon. Once I reveal the entire card and select the whole sentence, when I press the sound icon, it reads the whole sentence and tries the pinyin but fails on accented vowels then resumes reading the characters aloud. If I instead hold the icon, it pulls up a reader audio options menu where I can either enable auto play or switch to Cantonese.

I’m using a iPhone version of pleco. Might make a difference. I sometimes switch between Android and iPhone. I can try it in the other if you are still having problems getting the sentence reading to function.


Thanks. I think where's there's a difference between iPhone and Android and I'm on Android.

@Shun @mikelove

Wish there was some way to avoid tapping multiple times but when I do a long press it doesn't work. Ah, a small price to pay for getting the pronunciation. Though it's strange there's such a difference between iPhone and Android in that the Android version doesn't have the selection handles everywhere.


Staff member
Wish there was some way to avoid tapping multiple times but when I do a long press it doesn't work.

A long press definitely should work - any chance you might be tapping a little too high? Or moving your finger around during the long press?

Though it's strange there's such a difference between iPhone and Android in that the Android version doesn't have the selection handles everywhere.

On iOS we have our own text view UI control, so it's easy for us to add whatever functionality we want; on Android we use a kind-of hacked version of the system text view and hence have a lot less flexibility.

We are planning to port our iOS text view to C at some point, which will allow us to make it cross-platform (it's pretty much the last bit of Complicated Pleco Code that isn't already in C, now that we've just finished porting the preferences screen system to C for 4.0 - this incidentally means that Android users will finally get to enjoy more polished settings screens with disabled options smoothly disappearing etc) along with making it even more insanely fast than it already is on iOS; we're just not sure when that'll be ready. (we may try to do it for 4.0, or whatever 4.x release is the first 4.0 release on Android, since while it would be quite a bit of work, it would also save quite a bit of work updating the existing system to support our various new text formatting features / fix some hard-to-fix bugs with EPUBs / etc)


A long press definitely should work - any chance you might be tapping a little too high? Or moving your finger around during the long press?

I tried several times but it doesn't work. I think it's due to the "pinyin" word that's being tested. During a long press, it just skips and goes directly the pinyin word.

On iOS we have our own text view UI control, so it's easy for us to add whatever functionality we want; on Android we use a kind-of hacked version of the system text view and hence have a lot less flexibility.

Ah, interesting. Hopefully version 4++ will fix this.


Dear all,

at @Akpierce1776 's request, here is a Chinese to English & Spanish sentence contextual flashcards list, graded by HSK levels 2 to 6.

Wherever possible, both English and Spanish translations are associated with each Chinese sentence. In other places, they are either in English only or in Spanish only. I've also compiled a much smaller file which only includes sentences that have both English and Spanish translations. These files can be useful for English speakers who would like to improve their Chinese reading and writing abilities and would also like to refresh their Spanish reading skills, but don't have enough time to work with separate English-to-Spanish flashcards.

As always, the sentences were obtained from www.tatoeba.org. (CC-Attribution license) The sentence data for this list was downloaded today.




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Newbie here, and have just tried importing this set of cards (awesome work, by the way!). I need traditional characters as well as simplified. When importing (file: tatoeba-cn-eng.txt), the settings were: Definition source: prefer file; Dictionaries: Tuttle, Pleco, CC; Store in user dict: yes; Fill in missing fields: yes; Missing entries: create blank.

This didn't result in any traditional headwords being created in the cards. I then tried Organise>Tatoeba CN-ENG>Edit>All>Batch>Add Traditional Headwords. (Other settings: Apply changes to: selected; Category: Tatoeba CN-ENG.)

Still nothing. If I find a single card which should have a different traditional character in the phrase and click to edit it, the field "Traditional Character Headwords" is empty.

Suggestions for solutions would be appreciated, as I haven't found any possibilities from searching.


Hi lamington,

thanks for the kind words.

The Fill in missing fields feature doesn‘t work here because the headword is a whole sentence. However, I‘ve run the file through a Simp.-to-Trad. converter on the Web once; if you import the attached file with Fill in missing fields enabled (for the pinyin), you should get the Traditional chars in the Traditional headword field, and Pleco converts the Traditional to Simplified for the Simplified field.

Hope this helps, enjoy,



  • tatoeba-cn-eng-trad.txt
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Thanks for doing that! Something went wrong for me and the English imported into the pinyin field, despite Fill in missing fields enabled.