@mikelove ,
I don't know how to include or exclude a dictionary from a group - the item "Choose Dictionaries" in group settings is grayed out (and I didn't create my own groups).
But if you're talking about "full-text search only" in full-text search groups settings - yes, it's checked (by default) in all groups (where it exists).
Btw, I sent you my settings backup and you can check it. I just added one (C?) missed "Integrate full-text search" and excluded an user dict from mmanual dict switching.
In my opinion the app doesn't work as expected.
And is absolutely unpredictable, except 2 cases:
a) search Chinese words in C-E dicts, typing letter-by-letter (with auto switching turned off)
b) search English words in E-C dicts, typing letter-by-letter (with auto switching turned off)
In other cases only God knows what result will it return - may by 90%, may be 50%, may by 10% of the information it declares to have.
PS: understanding of you last question comes to me
You asked if groups themselves enabled or not, not about there options - sure, all groups enabled!