yuvalcho said:
i'm sorry to say that i'm a bit disappointed by this attitude. i mean the fact that you feel that you dont want to release versions just because people wouldnt notice how much work u put into it.
It's not that at all - sorry if you understood it that way. It's that people wouldn't think it
is a big update without a UI change; that itself is a much-requested feature - easily the most requested one / the one that people are most expecting when we ask them what exactly they're looking forward to seeing in our next update - and for a lot of people, a major new release that doesn't do that is going to be a huge disappointment. So it's not about getting credit, it's about making sure that this update simply meets people's expectations - we're fine with people not noticing a lot of the stuff we've done, but the UI / typography changes are probably the biggest reason people are interested in this update at all.
yuvalcho said:
i was just saying how i as a customer feel about this huge update that i've been hearing but just waiting for a long time. even a friend of mine whom also has pleco, asked me, "so what up with the big update, i've been hearing about it since last year" or some other version of that.
Well to be honest an awful lot of that has to do with Android; more than half of the time since our last major update on iOS (in early 2011) has been spent on Android-specific stuff. And that's kind of a future-of-Pleco thing - if the smartphone / tablet industry develops like the PC industry and becomes increasingly commoditized, as seems fairly probable, then Android is almost certainly the OS that those commodity devices will be running, so Pleco not having a strong presence on Android (and even the opportunity to have one was starting to slip away by that point) was a serious threat to our future success. It also has all sorts of ancillary benefits for iOS users in that supporting both major smartphones has made it easier to license new dictionaries / beta-test new code / etc. (not to mention all of the iOS users who've now switched to Android, or started using an Android tablet/smartphone alongside their iOS smartphone/tablet)
But pointing everything at a "big update" in general was a big mistake - both the development decision of not releasing new stuff in smaller updates and the marketing decision of telling people we were working on a major update. I can't promise we'll never decide to do the former again, but we definitely won't be repeating the latter - after this "big update" we're going to be much less release-oriented in describing our future plans, we'll certainly tell people what features are coming but we won't pin everything on a particular release.
So the wait for prettier typography is sort of a remedy for that earlier mistake of promising a "big update" - since we've gotten ourselves into this situation of everyone having high expectations for that release, we now need to make sure we do enough in the release to satisfy them, so that we can then carry on quietly improving bit by bit and never promising another "big update" again.
yuvalcho said:
maybe it's just me, but i think people would b happy to get more smaller but frequent updates. i mean we r already customers, some or all with a potential for upgrading.
That's definitely the plan after this - even the "major flashcard revamp" we plan to start in early 2013 is quite fungible and can easily come out a few features at a time (custom fields in one release, timed auto-advance in the next, etc) rather than all at once.
scykei said:
But the release with this many features is very likely to bring a heavier impact. It can be remembered as the update that has changed Pleco forever. Yeah, I'm getting pretty impatient too after such a long wait, but hey, perfection takes a lot of time and effort to achieve!
Well that's the goal, at least on the dictionary side of things.
scykei said:
I think the subsequent updates might be released more often, or at least I hope they do.
Oh yes, as I said we're not going to make the mistake of pinning everything to a big update again.