Hey Mike,
I downloaded 2.0.0(aud2) and have been playing with it. I must say that I love the new speed of the pronunciation of multi-syllable words, phrases and proverbs. Multi-syllabe words that are not prerecorded now sound more like they are being spoken by a native/fluent speaker. Wonderful improvement!
Did come across one issue, but it is on a long multi-syllable custom dictionary entry: 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村. On the particular entry it is read syllable by syllable with the long pauses/spaces in between each character, as the audio files previous to 2.0.0(aud2) were read.
In fact, I also have problems when doing a search for this custom dictionary entry. Regardless of whether I put the comma in or not when searching, or when making the entry (in both the character and pinyin section of the entry), the ABC and Guifan entries for 山重水复 always come up, but if I cycle through the dictionaries my User Dictionary entry doesn't show up. In fact I currently only have two methods for finding the entry, enter the 山重水复 (only see the ABC/GF entires), and then start adding the other chracters 疑,无,路etc. After I enter 疑 in the search input field, my User Dictionary entry will finally show up. Alternatively, I can completely clear the search input box and then cycle to the User Dictionary and then scroll down to the entry.
Anyway, I know this is a very long custom entry, so I am fine if you don't fix it until a later version of Pleco.