"末後" test - am i doing something wrong?


So i have all those dictionaries bought:
  • ABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary
  • ABC English-Chinese Dictionary
  • NWP English-Chinese Pinyin Dictionary
  • Xiandai Hanyu Guifan Cidian
  • Tuttle Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary
  • Oxford Chinese Dictionary
  • ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs

but when i want to see examples/sentences of 末後
there are only GF, any other dictionary really does not have this word or i have something wrong in my settings?
Or is this really such rare?


Ok, i checked on android and in android sentences/examples there were also OCC one example.
But not on ios..
So i reordered OCC dict more to the top, and now its also on ios, the same as in android....
Does pleco not search all dicts on ios? Or only first few?
Cause when OCC was last, on bottom - examples did not appear, but when i moved it to top, to be second - there was one example...


Staff member
Go into Settings / Definition Screen / SENTS tab and increase the maximum number of examples (or remove the limit entirely).


Go into Settings / Definition Screen / SENTS tab and increase the maximum number of examples (or remove the limit entirely).
Tested again - if i have set there 5000 or 100 or any number - it works, shows GF and OCC sentences.
But when i set to UNLIMITED - it shows only GF...

so there has to be some error if UNLIMITED is < 100
and UNLIMTED results in only GF
and 100 results in both - OCC and GF


Staff member
Can't seem to reproduce this problem here - could you email or PM me a backup of your settings?


Staff member
OK, found it - looks like a very obscure bug with the 'unlimited' setting. As a workaround, you can open your settings backup file, edit the "value" after "maxloadexamples" to something ridiculously high - 100000, say - and then reimport that settings backup.