1) A difference is not a contradiction. It is an important distinction to make between the two.
2) Both threads in question are expressly about gender. One is labeled such, the other brings it up again and again, from the first post in a way that makes it wholly necessary to any discussion of the thread. As I said in an earlier post, "If you have "contradictions" that are not about 'gender', that would illuminate matters for me; otherwise, . . . "
3) You mention more than once that something 'political' is going on, and refer more than once to Mengdyen/MoE's dict as "conservative". Therefore you are being political. I can't say, "George Bush is conservative, but I'm not being political."
4) You clearly have disapproved, making statements such as, "I have found Chinese dictionaries especially 萌典 to be quite conservative. I wonder how Audrey really feels about this???"
"... if what you said is correct then the 萌典 dictionary is technically wrong and misleading. That being so, why wouldn't it be updated (if there isn't any politics involved)?"
among other places
The point is, just because you don't say "I disapprove" doesn't mean you are not disapproving. For example, if a student in school asks the teacher for permission to leave and the teacher says have a seat, the teacher is disapproving of the student's aim to leave the classroom.
5) As for the suggestion that I am stalking you (not your word, I know), that is silly for a number of reasons.
First, I have been on this board for a number of years and tend to come here after months away (or more than a year) because I am busy, at which time I tend to look at the recent posts (but have been known to dig through back pages), and answer or reply as I see fit.
Second, Your posts were all on the first page, and all from January of this year! (not a while back)
Third, You replied to a very old post of mine, so it is odd for you to make such an accusation.
Fourth, my replies to your threads are reasonable:
a) 妝: I just gave the standard linguistic opinion. You'd be hard-pressed to find a linguist who disagrees with that.
b) Chinese names: a number of the things you said on that post are total nonsense (though I was polite enough there not to say so directly). Your vision of what the tones mean or the visual forms of characters represent is 100% nonsense, made up by you. You also don't even know how Chinese speakers talk about names (danming, shwangming). In summary, don't give advice about a subject unless you know what you are talking about.
c) Radicals: I did not disagree with you at that time, or even reply to you, though I wanted to due to some of your recommendations (I should post again). I simply replied to the OP, without any reference to your reply. And that is not your thread.
d) I did agree with you vocally, more than once, on the only other time I am aware of replying to you (earlier than the current crop), on Sy's rambling thread about sorting characters.
e) I have replied to or referenced you on only four threads, agreeing with you once, making factual/widely agreed upon statements on two others, and making my opinion known (which dares to disagree with you) on only one.
Good day to you