大海 has incorrect tone in Pleco

The Pleco dictionary indicates the tone of 大海 is da3hai3, when it should be da4hai3. I could only find one other comment mentioning this and it was from years ago.


Staff member
Thanks - we haven't updated PLC much recently since we've been in the weeds with 4.0 the last few years and didn't want to get out of sync with that, but we have a large backlog of corrections ready to apply, including this one.
Thank you for the reply. I am not sure when 4.0 will release and since I am currently studying the HSK 3.0 built in cards, are there any noteworthy errors (aside from this) which you can mention so I'm aware of them before memorizing?


Staff member
Sorry, it's not that we have this specific correction logged, but rather that checking PLC against other dictionaries' tones is one of the fixes we plan to make when we next revise it, and it's a fix that would address this issue.

My recommendation would be that you go into Organize Cards, Edit, Batch, and remap all of the cards to CC-CEDICT - that should clear up any tone errors.