Pleco for Android 3.2.13


Staff member
@Wan - Thanks - looks like this one relates to an Android bug, actually, so I'm not sure if we'll be able to work around it easily.


full-text chinese search for "好而知其" causes crash. sent a couple of crash reports.
I'm using two-pane mode, so this seems because of the definition of the first result with the query text highlight.
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Some full text searches among Chinese dictionaries will crash my Pleco too. It just closes and won't let me even send a report. It's often not the act of searching itself, but a tap on a particular entry; for example, a full text search (CC) of 無神論 will show a few entries, among which there is 道家: tapping on it will close Pleco. The same search in simplified characters 无神论 will close Pleco almost immediately. (I use Traditional characters)


Yeah, full text search of 无神论 crashes pleco here as well. I just sent a crash report for 无神论 too.

BTW, regarding full-text search, I have some feature requests (probably already discussed somewhere else though)
- let a query hits both traditional and simplifed texts.
- when there's no results for the regular serach, fall-back to full text search.


Staff member
Fixed for next build, thanks - really interesting bug actually, basically Pleco was trying to fetch any definition that contained 道家 and then display them all in the definition screen at the same time, which pushed memory usage into the stratosphere (showing like 1100 definitions on the screen at once) and caused a crash.

@Taichi - we already do hit traditional and simplified texts, assuming that the dictionary contains both; is the problem that your'e doing searches in HDC or some other dictionary that's one set only?

Full-text as a fallback can be enabled by turning off "full-text search only" in Manage Dict Groups / Full-text, Chn dicts, and enabling "search only as fallback" for it.


I was looking up for sentences like #独学而无友. Simplified (#独学而无友) hits CY, GH, whereas traditional (#獨學而無友) hits MOE and HDC. I felt traditional queries tends to hit more results for this kind of queries, but often manually tried simplified queries as well just to see if there's any other results.

Cool! I'll try that!
Updated: With this dictionary groups method, I don't see HDC result. Is this expected?

Updated: Never mind. Disabling the Full text search only option solved the issue, and it's looking good now.
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